Horse Training Tips: How To Get Your Horse Turning

“How To Get Your Horse Turning”

Yesterday I talked about Chuck Nesmith and
his expertise in teaching stops and spins.

Today I’m gonna give you an overview about
how to get your horse turning.

I’m giving you the instructions from
Chuck Nesmith because I very much like the
way he does it.

Plus, we filmed him and have it
available for you to see.

To start, go back and review what I
wrote yesterday.


Because there are some “warm up” things
you need to do before you start gettin’ to the
nitty gritty.

If you don’t have the email from yesterday’s tip
you can see it on our horse tips blog here:

Oh…one more thing.

When working with your horse, get them
looking forward to getting out of the stall
every day.

Thus, try to earn their respect with that
and you get theirs.



As you read, keep in mind I can’t write
every detail on how to do this.  They say a picture
is worth a thousand words.

That’s why you should watch this done
but it will give you huge insight as how to do

First, Chuck says there are important things
that need to happen before you can get the turn going.

You need to be able to control the hind and
the front separately and together.

You begin with lateral flexion.

As you bend the horse around, the inside
back leg will step in front of the outside hind

Thus, you get the hindquarters moving.

Chuck says the key to moving the hip is to
get lateral flexion.

Next, walk a circle, stiff up on the outside
rein, and press the outside leg and ask for one step.

At first, the horse will step with either
the inside or outside leg.  At first, it doesn’t matter.

After you get this accomplished, start looking
for the sidepass. (Chuck shows this in his DVD)  Do this
at the fence.

As soon as they take a step,…

“Walk away!”

Walk them around in a circle and then come
back to it.

Then ride back up to the fence.

Remember you don’t have to push your horse
half way down the arena.  People often get over-
anxious doing this and mess it up.

The key is to quit while you’re winning.

Get this accomplished in both directions.

Next, get your horse walking.

Push him over like you would in a sidepass.

As the horse walks over, let him walk out
of it.

If you’re working to the left, continue
to the left.  Thus, you circle left.

The horse walks over more and then steps
out of it but you still go to the left.

A very common mistake lots of people make
happens right here – and that is this.

The horse is going one direction and then
when he turns he gets surprised and goes the other

The horse wasn’t ready for that.

Don’t do that.

Now the hind and front end ar moveable and
now you can step the horse over one or two steps.

From there, you can build on it every day.

After this is accomplished, ride at an
angle to the fence.

Tip the nose the opposite angle you rode
at, then push the horse to that opposite side
once the nose is tipped with the outside rein and
outside leg.

Remember to release.

The key here is to have forward momentum.

Don’t stop and THEN get him to turn.

Make it a continuous motion.

Also, don’t lean into the turn.  You’ll
get in your horse’s way.

Plus, don’t lean forward.

It’ll make him front end heavy and hard
to turn.

Again, you’d get in your horse’s way.

Do this every day…BUT!…only in
increments of 4 to 5 times.


Because too many times in a row could
worry and/or sour your horse to it.

Some horses even panic.

If so, only do it 1 or 2 times and go do
something else and come back to it and do it once
or twice again.

Keep it as low stress as you can.


There’s more to tell you so I’ll save it
for my next email because this is a lot to think
about for now.

Again, I urge you to go ahead and read about
Chuck’s information by clicking the following:

If you’ve been wanting to teach your horse
sliding stops and spins you’ll really enjoy
Chuck’s video.  He’s an excellent teacher.

Enough for today.  It’s a lot to chew on.

Stay safe out there….


P.S. You can use the coupon code BIRHTDAY
until Monday, Mar. 9th and get 25% off
all the DVDs you want.

P.P.S. Thanks again to all of you who sent
Happy Birthday wishes.  I appreciate it!
I’m trying to live up to all the wisdom
I’m supposed to have at 57 🙂

P.P.S. I’ve got a couple things to
say about what’s going on in the world
and reflect on a couple things but that
will have to wait a day or two.  This
email is gettin’ a bit too long.
Stay tuned…


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