Horse Training Bridle | Beery Pulley Bridle | Horse Tack – Bridle
Beery Pulley Bridle
The Most Effective Training Aid Available
Fix problems in minutes – not days or weeks!
Jesse Beery would be proud of us if he could see this!
We took his best design and have improved upon it in many ways.
Do you need to fix these problems with your horse?
- Horses that are mean or bad to mount – does your horse move away or try to fight you when you go to mount?
- Horses that rear – does you horse rear on you when handling him or riding him? Getting thrown is extremely dangerous!
- Bad to Shoe – can’t pick up his feet or can’t clean his hooves? Your farrier will love you for this alone!
- Bad to Groom – your horse won’t stand for you when grooming, washing or cleaning him?
- Bad to Harness – won’t stand and allow you to put on or adjust his harness?
- Bad to Lead – your horse won’t let you lead him or keeps invading your space?
- And many other bad behaviors……
How much would you have to pay a professional trainer to solve these problems?
The Beery Pulley Bridle
Prof. Jesse Beery Pulley Bridle and 12 page instruction book.
- Easy to use and adjust to your horse
- Will NOT slip with our new custom manufactured cheek rings
- Rope bit is 5-1/2″ wide to fit almost all horses. (If you have a draft horse with a wider mouth contact us and we can manufacture one to fit)
- Heavy-duty strap for the headpiece
- Includes a full 12 page instruction manual
- Works FAST and you get immediate results!
We have addressed EVERY known issue regarding wishes and desires of previous pulley bridle users. We have custom designed and manufactured cheek rings to absolutely reduce any slippage of the bit in your horse’s mouth. This bridle will prove to be very effective for all who use it.
Jesse Beery says you can
“control any horse in 3 minutes”
with the Pulley Bridle.
We have the testimonials to prove it!
It works due to the nerves exposed just behind the ears and is not harmful to the horse. It is very effective and your horse will respond quickly to it without harm.
Here’s Our Guarantee On This Bridle
We are so confident that this bridle will work for you that we offer this guarantee:
Purchase the famous Pulley Bridle today and try it for up to 30 Days. If the bridle doesn’t do what we say it will do then return it for a full refund of the purchase price (less shipping).
All we ask is that you read and follow the detailed instructions and try it with your horse.
Read the testimonials that are on this webpage. We have a pile of others we haven’t posted. The bottom line is this: It works fast, is very easy to use and is extremely effective.
If you have a horse that is hard to handle and need to cure those bad habits, this is the device that will make the difference! It’s really hard to believe something so simple can be so effective.
“I have been a Farrier for 29 years, seen alot of so called tools of the trade but the Pulley Bridle has them all beat… “
Just got your Pulley Bridle about 3 weeks ago. Man am I impressed! I have been a Farrier for 29 years, seen alot of so called tools of the trade but the Pulley Bridle has them all beat.
Tried it out on Miniature Horses that 8 weeks before had to throw them on the ground to trim, after 4 pulls on the bridle I was able to pick up all 4 feet no problem. 1 week later did a mamoth jack never been done before, tried to work with him a while, ran out of time, put bridle on couple of pulls stood there willing to be handled.
I could go on for ever I guess, but thanks a million.
P.S. Work with your horse so when the farrier gets there we can get are job do quick and easy.
Bob Wallace, Bellefontaine Ohio
Need we say more?
We’ll let our customers convince you that this simple, yet amazing bridle will do what we say.
YES! Send me the Pulley Bridle and the 12 page instruction manual. I understand I have 30 days to try it out. If it doesn’t work as advertised I can send it back for a full refund (less shipping).
You Are Getting:
The Beery Pulley Bridle
– plus –
12 Page Instruction Manual
Only $75.00

We cannot honor refunds if ordered for miniatures, sorry.
“The results were fantastic so far.” “I am thrilled!!!”
Hi Charlie,
I took your advice & used the Pulley Bridle with Casanova.
The results were fantastic so far. He wouldn’t stand still when I groom him & he would spook terribly at the spray bottle.
Tonight after a couple firm tugs, he stood still to be brushed.
It took a little more time to overcome his spray bottle phobia, but every time he moved away from it, I pulled the bridle while talking to him quietly. The end result was I was able to spray him with fly repellent all over & he didn’t move.
I am thrilled!!!
Tomorrow we are going to work on his hooves being picked up & cleaned. He paws the ground a lot & likes to kick a back leg out when he’s frustrated. I’ll keep you posted.
Another positive testimony for the pulley bridle!!
Thank you again.
“I had a horse that took only two pulls on the Beery Pulley Breaking Bridle to let me pick up his feet and quit leaning on me. He relaxed after that and it was easy to clean and shoe him.” — Larry Sutton
“I was quite honestly shocked by the result of something so simple.
Over the course of 3 total, 1/2 hour sessions I have made more progress than the entire 3 years previous. “
–Scott Johnston
“…this bridle has been a God send.”
Hi there Charlie, I hope you are well.
About a month ago I bought a Beery Pulley Breaking Bridle from you. I would like you to add this comment to your testimonials about this amazing piece of equipment.
My pony a 13.2 pure bred Haflinger 5 years old is very difficult to handle as he is extremely nervous. He has never been mistreated so I put this down to being very green. He doesn’t bite or kick but has a very bad habit of rearing (again just green) on Monday I went to put a saddle on his back (not broken to be ridden yet) and with the use of the bridle he was as good as gold.
He has had a saddle on before but not for awhile and last time I tried to put a saddle on him before I got the bridle it proved impossible. I always make sure the bridle is on correctly with the pulley being between the eye and the ear and on Monday I even managed to lean with my full weight on his back which was a first.
The great thing about this bridle is, although it works in a similar way to a gag, the rope bit does not cause any discomfort to the animal which is great.
Leading him now is also so much easier and I feel like I have more control. He is such a beautiful little pony who I love to bits and I wouldn’t want to do anything to hurt him so this bridle has been a God send.
Thank you so much for introducing me to this product and keep up the good work.
“…the bridle has been easy to use and I would recommend it 110% and I have used it on a wide range of breeds and sizes and it has fixed all of the problems that I had used it for.”
Hi Charlie,
I purchased the bridle and have used it on three horses thus far. I have two ponies and one hack which I am currently breaking in. They are all coming along beautifully using a lot of Jesse’s tips, but I found that even though I am handling them correctly they still try on some tricks. I have used the bridle to correct a severe biting problem with horse one, he was biting from the time he foaled and the people I purchased him off at 18mths of age named him monster when he was born as they said he was born biting.
I have been using the bridle while leading and handling him and it has improved him incredibly, he certainly thinks twice now before having a nip.
Horse two is an extravert and he thinks its all about him, which personality is good and we encourage it, but he needed to learn respect while being led.
The bridle has done that and my little 4 yr old twin boys are now able to lead him to and from his paddock – huge improvement as I was even finding him too hard to handle with his mucking around. Horse number three is gorgeous but was a crowder or mugger, as she thinks the whole world is hers and the bridle has made her back off and give me some space. This only happened upon returning from her day paddock to the stable, excitement and expectation etc, but she still needed to learn.
All in all the bridle has been easy to use and I would recommend it 110% and I have used it on a wide range of breeds and sizes and it has fixed all of the problems that I had used it for.
I am happy to have you quote me, as I think the bridle is nothing short of spectacular and so so simple in every way.
Janine (Australia)
“The bridle made a sudden change in the colt and he easily loads and backs out of a small 2-horse trailer….”
Thank you for sending me the pulley training bridle. It was the perfect, easily-fixed solution to the possibility of creating bigger problems for two horses I’m working with.
One was afraid to load (he had been beaten by the owner attempting to load him in a small 2-horse trailer), then he froze inside the trailer and didn’t want to back out. But he hadn’t learned much about backing from the ground or from the rider’s cues while on his back, either.
The bridle made a sudden change in the colt and he easily loads and backs out of a small 2-horse trailer and he doesn’t attempt to turn around in a large slant-load either.
The other is a 4 year old that had bucked the previous owners off numerous times, but was also a skittish, easily spooked horse. The bridle worked perfectly on him as well. He quickly looked to me after the bridle work from the ground. The lesson was easily transferred to me as the rider as I rode him with the bridle.
What I appreciated about the bridle was that I could remain quiet, calm, and “uninvolved personally’ which helped each horse to quickly look to me for solutions after the bridle did its work. Nothing excitable occurred, and each horse remained calm after his lesson.
Charlie, I appreciate all you are doing on your website! The training tidbits are awesome!
May you have a prosperous and productive New Year! I know you are making a difference to a lot of horse owners! ”
John Turnbull
Muskogee, OK
“… without any luck until I made the pulley breaking bridle and forced him to confront calves close up…. and within 20 minutes I had him nose to nose.
I was quite honestly shocked by the result of something so simple.”
I have several successes with info from the Jesse Beery book. Although I have a super hard time identifying the horse heads for disposition. My horse is/was terrified of cattle-calves and any other. I could not control him because he would get so crazy.
I have tried every thing for the past 3 years to get him over this without any luck until I made the pulley breaking bridle and forced him to confront calves close up.
I could not get him within 150 feet previously and within 20 minutes I had him nose to nose. I tried to elevate the event by having people make disturbances around the cattle as I forced this and he definitely was not willing to go anywhere except where I wanted him to stand. I was quite honestly shocked by the result of something so simple.
Over the course of 3 total – 1/2 hour sessions I have made more progress than the entire 3 years previous.
Scott Johnston (MN)
“took only two pulls on the Beery pulley breaking bridle…”
I had a horse that took only two pulls on the Beery pulley breaking bridle to let me pick up his feet and quit leaning on me. He relaxed after that and it was easy to clean and shoe him.
…..I had a horse that would not stop when requested. It was scary when she was at a full gallop. Beery’s surcingle and other protective gear taught her to stop on command in 15 minutes.
A friend had a horse that reared up, fell over and laid on the ground and would not get up. Having read Beery’s books, I got a can of water, poured a little down his nostrils, he was on his feet in a flash. By standers were amazed.
I haven’t had horses for years but still have many great memories thanks to Prof. Beery’s books and equipment. I would strongly recommend all your e-mail readers buy the professor’s books and the beery breaking bridle. Also if you know where they could buy the halter, surcingle,knee pads, ankle straps etc. these training aids could help produce wonderful memories for them.
Larry Sutton