J.S. Rarey Horse Training Books
Special New Release + LOW Introductory Pricing
Celebrated By Royalty In Europe And Around The World And Called The “Original Horse Whisperer”, John Rarey Was One Of The Most Famous Horse Tamers
Rarey Developed Methods Now Used By Thousands And Refuted The Harsh Training Methods Of His Time
Amazingly, we have been able to secure the rights to bring THREE great books about Rarey’s horse training for you to learn from and enjoy.
From: Charlie Hicks
John Solomon Rarey was born in Ohio in 1827 and died in 1866. In his short years he accomplished more than any other horse tamer anywhere. He was possibly the greatest horse tamer the world had ever seen.
He has been almost forgotten yet he helped define many of the modern horse training methods used today. John Rarey had the unique ability to tame wild and viscious horses. His foundational work was in humane horse training that refuted the work of many abusive tactics used by those before him took him. Those natural methods thrust him onto the world stage.
Probably The Most Celebrated Horse Tamer Of All Time:
The bulk of John Rarey’s work happened in a short 10 years…but due to his abilities and amazing results that he demonstrated to many, his popularity grew quickly. He went to England where he tamed the most vicious horse known in England at the time – “Cruiser”. That feat, along with additional work in front of growing crowds, earned him an audience with Queen Victoria and other royalty all over Europe, Asia and the USA. He was so well liked he even accepted an invitation to the wedding of Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter, Princess Royal. His performances were also attended by Napoleon III and the Czar.
Even though J.S. Rarey did a lot of traveling for years, he did very little writing. His primary work was “The Comlete Horse Tamer” and was published under different titles such as “The Art of Taming Horses”.
He Tried To Keep His Methods A Secret:
At one point he insisted that his methods should be kept a secret by those who learned from him. He demanded that anyone who attended or that bought his book swear to secrecy and not share his methods. He finally went public and the rest is history.
It was Rarey’s work, along with his predecessors like Powell and Sullivan, that Jesse Beery studied and followed years later.
Rarey’s methods became so famous that his control over wild horses was often called “Rareyfying”. Victoria’s court danced to “The Rarey Waltz”. Even the King of Sweden presented Rarey with a medal providing him entrance to all royal palaces and arsenals. After touring Europe, Asia, and the Mideast, Rarey returned to England and averaged audiences of 8,000 per night.
Rarey returned to the US with Cruiser after purchasing him. Rarey toured all over the North and East giving performances. Even Ralph Waldo Emerson was impressed and said that Rarey had “turned a new leaf in civilization”. He even helped the US Army by giving instruction in his methods to the Union cavalry officers.
Even yet today, in his hometown of Groveport, OH, the high school mascot name is “The Cruisers”!
John Rarey and Famous Horse “Cruiser”
J.S. Rarey’s Works Resurected:
Rarey’s works had almost been lost and forgotten. His books have long been out of print and are very difficult to locate, if at all. Having researched various horse trainers of the past I stumbled across Rarey’s works and those who have described his amazing training methods. Reading about his methods and the results he obtained through simple yet effective means, I started pursuing the rights to publish the books I found and bring them to you to use and enjoy.
I have found a total of three books and now have been able to get approval to offer them. It hasn’t been easy! Books that were offered in the 1800’s are hard to track down – let alone figure out who manages the rights to them!
Here are the three books I’m offering to you:
1. “The Complete Horse Tamer” – the original book by John S. Rarey
2. “A New Illustrated Edition of J.S. Rarey’s Art of Taming Horses” – attributed to Rarey but worked on by others.
3. “Rarey: The Horse’s Master and Friend” – by Sara Lowe Brown
I have been in contact with the descendants of the Rarey family regarding John Solomon Rarey’s work. It was through their gracious permission that I bring some of these works to you. They, too, desire to see his works kept alive and used.
A Special Offer:
At this point in time I only have Adobe digital PDF downloads of the Rarey books to offer. I expect to have printed works of these in the future but it will take some time. Each of these books have been converted from the original books, retyped and then recreated – not just scanned. I have put all these works into separate documents but offer them as a set of 3 books.
I know that many folks who have interest in the Rarey books will also want the Beery books as well. So, I am offering download versions of the Beery books and audio MP3 books as well (along with the bonus books I normally offer with the Beery books).
The result – a combination of books that are WAY under priced from our normal selling prices. Please see below:
Select Just The 3 Rarey Books
– or –
The Rarey Books PLUS the Beery Books Special
[Note: All books are digital Adobe PDF downloads NOT printed books]
Simply Select the Special Offer You Want:
Books + Bonuses |
(3) John S. Rarey |
(3) Rarey Books AND |
Rarey: Complete Horse Tamer |
A New Illustrated Edition of J.S. Rarey’s Art of Taming Horses |
Rarey: The Horse’s Master and Friend |
Prof. Jesse Beery 8 Volume Course in Horse Training |
Audio Book MP3 Version of the 8 Volume Jesse Beery Course |
Bonus: Arabian Art of Taming Horses |
Bonus: Breaking and Training Colts |
Special Introductory Pricing: |
$17.00 ($30+ Value) |
$49.00 (over $100 Value) |
Did you know you can get all of these books – Rarey, Beery, audio books and much, much more in The Horse Library?
That’s right – and we’re having a Labor Day Special as well at The Horse Library. You will get access to all the books we offer, plus a lot more such as:
- All theBeery books, bonuses, and MP3 audio books
- The 3 Rarey books
- Our book “Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide”
- Many, many other books
- At least 3 full length videos online of the DVDs we sell
- Dozens and dozens of articles and other audio books
- Old movies online such as Roy Rogers, Mr. Ed, and some Westerns
- We even give you coupons good for 20% OFF our printed books and 30% OFF our DVDs!
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