A Horse Riding Myth You Need To Know

In This Saturday Issue:

1. A Horse Riding Myth You Need To Know

2. Getting Started in Horseback Riding


1. A Horse Riding Myth You Need To Know

Andy Curry discusses a common myth in horseback riding:

You know how they say sugar makes
kids hyper?

Turns out scientists cannot make a
link between sweets and hyperactivity.

Apparently, it’s a myth.

[editor’s note: They don’t know my 5 kids!]

But you know what’s “NOT” a myth?

The importance of the right saddle
when you’re riding.

If you’re an expert rider, you can
ride all kinds of saddles – still, the right
saddle for a certain job makes it easier even to an expert.

You see, most people just go get a
saddle when they’re ready to ride.

Truth is, different saddles are made
with specific purposes in mind.

And here’s the kicker.

If you’ve ever felt your riding ability is weak,
it “may” have a lot to do with your saddle.

So if you worry any that your riding
could use some work – listen to this.

The wrong saddle may be causing you
to slip around and not find your seat.

As you slip around and try to get
your bearings, you may be unknowingly tugging and jerking
on your horse causing him con- fusion.

When you confuse your horse, he can

when he panics, he doesn’t think right.

And everyone gets in trouble then.

You see, to get the right saddle, you
have to ask yourself what kind of riding you’re going to do.

There’s a different kind of saddle for
every job.

There are a few things you can pay
less on your equipment, but the saddle is something
you should never skimp on.

Let’s talk about pleasure riding
for now.

Without showing you, this’ll be a
little difficult to explain, but bear with me.

Your saddle should have an indentation
in the seat. It acts like a pocket to help hold you in.

Another good characteristic is a
saddle with rough out leather.

What’s “rough out”?

That’s where the leather isn’t smooth – it’s rough.

The cool thing about rough out
leather is it acts like velcro and helps hold you in.

Slick seated saddles are harder
to stay sitted in.

Next, the cantle.

If your cantle is low then there’s
not much there holding you in.

Why would anyone use a low cantle

Because it’s made for a fast exit
like in rodeo competitions and such.

Next is the swells.

Those are the hump-like things
on either side of the saddle horn.

If those are low, they are meant
for a fast exit as well.

If they’re high, they’re meant to
hold you in.

How do you know if a saddle fits you?

Sit in it.

If you feel the pocket, it may be the
one you want.

If you don’t feel the pocket, you
probably don’t want that saddle.

And here’s a nifty little secret.

While sitting in the saddle, put
3 fingers between your legs and the swells.

If there’s room for your fingers,
then there’s room for you.
( As long as there’s not too much room for your fingers)

This saddle info is just part of what
you should know.

When we filmed Sue Robertson on “How To Float In The Saddle”,
she talked at length about how to find the right saddle for riding.

Plus, she shows how to hold your legs
and body – and most importantly, how to find your
seat so you can float in the saddle.

If you feel your riding could use some
help, you should watch this DVD.


Because I’ll bet the farm Sue’s information
will dramatically change your horse riding
for the better – forever.

You can read more about it by clicking
on the following:

Sue Robertson Training DVD


The biggest thing about your saddle is
asking yourself what you’re going to do?

What is your riding purpose?

That will govern what saddle you’re
going use.

And you will be astonished how it will
change your riding ability.

Will it solve all riding troubles?


But it “will” make an incredible difference.

And once you get start gettin’ the feel of good
riding, your confidence will soar!

Sue Robertson Training DVD


2. Getting Started in Horseback Riding

Are you reading this because you’re just getting started or want to
start horseback riding?

Learning to ride is a lot of fun and very gratifying. You learn so much
in the process of riding, handling and grooming your horse. To
be able to control a 1,000+ lb animal full of muscle is amazing.

The bond and relationship you build with your horse just grows and
grows and you spend more time working around them and in the saddle.

Taking professional riding lessons can get very expensive.

As part of taking lessons you’ll also be learning all the basics of
how a horse is controlled, the different styles of riding, the tack,
etc. Quite frankly, there’s a ton to learn.

However, you can learn a major part of these basics before you ever
mount a horse or start lessons. That’s why we wrote the book:

“Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide”

Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

This book takes you as beginner through all the important basic
information you need to know before you take lessons. (or as you
are starting).

Click on the link below and read more about it. This book is very
complete – it was written and edited by two certified instructors
with a combined experience of over 45 years. They know their stuff!

Click below and see if it is right for you:

Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide


Ok… that’s it for this Saturday. Stay safe out there!


P.S. Our book on Horseback Riding can be purchased as a
download PDF file or in printed form. Either way it’s the
same great information that any new rider will find very
useful and will save you both time and money when starting out.

Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide

Discover the most successful horse training course ever created.

“Prof. Jesse Beery’s Illustrated Course in Horse Training”

8 Volumes of pure, effective horse training wisdom
used by thousands around the world.

Printed in one, easy-to-use, spiral-bound manual.

Prof. Beery’s Illustrated Course in Horse Training

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