Do You Have The Right Posture For Riding?”

Do You Have The Right Posture For Riding?

Check this out...

  A.C Johnson from Larned, Kansas did
  what no one else has done.

  He balanced an egg on on an ordinary
  strand of very thin wire in December, 1929.

  Not exactly a useful skill, but it
  does illustrate balance very well.

  Balance is a key principle in all
  things in life and is especially true when
  riding a horse.

  Whether you're riding to compete in the
  horse world or you just want to have good
  good riding skills, here are some guidelines.

First, don't look down.

  The rule is:  Look where you want to
  be.  If you look at the ground, then that's
  where you'll end up.

  Good motivation to 'not' look at the
  ground, huh?

Next, shoulders back.


  Besides being good posture, it makes
  you sit upright.

  If your shoulders are forward, your weight
  is forward.

  If your weight is forward, your horse
  will be heavy on his forehand. That makes it
  harder for him to turn, spin, jump, etc.

Next, heels underneath you.

  Have the stirrup in the balls of your feet.

Next, elbows in.

  Don't do the floppy chicken thing!

Next, watch yourself when riding one handed.

  Often, people ride one handed and their
  opposite shoulder rocks back.

  You'll start to lean back and put pressure
  on your lower back - that's not good.

  It's like walking upright.

  You ride like you walk - upright and straight.

  These are Diana Quintana's "How To Ride A Horse"
  instructions.  If you want to see what what else she
  shows you, go to:

  Or Click HERE

How To Safely And Confidently Ride Your Horse Like A Pro!

How To Safely And Confidently
Ride Your Horse Like A Pro!

Here's another posture checker Diana reveals.

  Back up to a wall with your back and heels
  against the wall.

  Then bend at the knees.

  When you do, your back and heels will be in
  alignment as they need to be.

  This is a great way to put your riding posture
  on automatic pilot. Practice it often and you'll very
  soon see your riding improve.

  Or Click HERE

You'll love Diana's riding instruction and the years of professional
experience she brings to her students. See for yourself here:

  Or Click HERE
How To Ride Your Horse

How To Confidently Ride Your Horse DVD

OK That's it for today. Stay safe around your horses!


P.S. Remember - save 10% on ALL our products by
using the Coupon Code: CHARLIEHORSE

Wondering if you're too old to start horseback riding? 
Read this.... 


"Hi Charlie,

I want to thank you so much for the
horse tips. It has helped me so much with my
riding lessons. I have always wanted a horse of
my own since I was a child and I got one 2 years
ago at the age of 56! I know you are never too
old to go for that dream and I did. I have a
registered Saddlebred and she is so wonderful.

I was so lucky to get her. She stands 15.3 hands
high and is spoiled rotten! I've had some ups and
downs with my health but this year I am going to
be able to get in the show ring in April! I never gave
up and found the perfect stable for her to be and
instructor. When we go in the ring we will be winners!

It will be my dream come true. So if anyone thinks
they are too old to acheive that dream they are wrong.
Go for it and you won't regret it. Thanks to people
like you that take the time to help us understand
our horses more, we don't loose no matter what!

Thank u again so much,
Patty C. and Rosewall's Duchess of York (Holly)" 


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