1. Does Your Horse Have Self Control?
2. Jesse Beery 8 volume course on horse training
1. Does Your Horse Have Self control?
How To Teach Self Control – To Your Horse….
Just look all around – there’s lots of folks and
things out there with NO self control….
and much of it isn’t purty.
Seriously, self control is obviously
important in our everyday human lives.
Thing is, horses need it too.
Especially when you’re on ’em.
After all, bein’ on a
horse deciding to zoom back to the barn is
especially frightening when…
“Fence Posts Go Whizzing By!”
To teach your horse self control, you
can first do it from the ground.
In her video, Diana Quintana shows what to do
with your horse in the round pen to teach your
horse self control.
A very important point Diana makes is this:
“Your horse needs to know not to get real excited.”
That point is so critical, I don’t know
how to stress the importance of it enough.
See…a horse is easily excitable.
And if they get too excitable,
it can have deadly consequences.
One thing to do is teach them from the
ground that when going from the walk to
the trot is to not get all wound up about it.
You want to see a nice, smooth, controlled,
purposeful transition from the walk to the trot.
And of course from the trot to the lope, you want
another nice, smooth, controlled, purpose- full transition.
Thus, you want them know to pick up their speed
when you ask but to do it in a relaxed, calm,
controlled manner.
How do you do that?
Like Diana shows in her video, you simply ask
the horse to increase his speed.
When you ask for the next gait, be sure you
ask the same way every time or your horse
won’t know what you want.
When they don’t know what you want, then he
can confused and then scared.
A scared horse won’t learn – he’s too busy bein’ scared.
So say you want your horse to go from the walk to the trot.
You can say: “trot”
Then when you do, you will need to increase the
urgency and pressure on him to move him faster.
When he moves to the trot, back off the pressure
and make it comfortable for him to be in the trot.
If he gets out of the trot, put him back in it.
Now what if he leaps to a trot and it’s
not smooth and controlled.
The first thing to understand is when a horse
is first learning this, it won’t likely be purty.
As he does it more, it’ll get better – especially
after he knows what you want.
If he goes too fast when you ask for the trot,
you can slow him down by walking towards the front
of him and sort of cutting off his path to go forward.
As you do, at some point you’ll see him begin
to slow down. When he does, then get back out of his way.
When he’s at that trot, make it comfortable for him to be there.
How do you make it comfortable?
By leavin’ him alone.
Just let him do his thing and don’t pester him.
This is an example of the kind of stuff you can
learn from a World Champion Horse Trainer…Diana Quintana.
If you want to know more about her, click on the following:
Get Your Copy Of Diana Quintana’s DVD
Lastly, what if your horse is trotting and
slows to a walk but you didn’t ask him to?
The answer is you put him back to a trot.
Then when “YOU” say it’s okay to walk,
then slow him to a walk.
Always, always, always get your horse lookin’
to you for what he’s supposed to do – don’t
let him do what he wants to do.
It will pay off BIG TIME – it will even…
“Save Your Life Someday!”
Get Your Copy Of Diana Quintana’s DVD
2. Jesse Beery 8 volume course on horse training
Be sure to read the full information about the most
famous horse training program of all time by Jesse Beery.
His 8 volume course has been used to successfully
train literally thousands of horses.
“Any Horse Can Be Cured” according to Prof. Beery.
Read all the info here:
Get Jesse Beery’s Course Info HERE
I assure you of this – if you’ll take the Beery course and
read it, then apply the concepts and methods in your training…
you’ll be back thanking me like so many others before you.
Read the testimonials of those who used his methods.
Read about the Pulley Bridle as well and
those testimonials. They are all real, genuine reports
from thrilled horse owners… all who had
breakthroughs with their horses.
Read All About The Pulley Bridle
Ok… that’s it for today. Stay Safe around your horses!
P.S. Note that there is free shipping on all training DVDs
through October. It doesn’t matter if you order one or more –
we’ll pay the shipping costs for you anywhere in the world.