Horse Training: One Rein Stop

 “One Rein Stop – The Emergency Brake For Your Horse”

Safety, safety, safety.  I write about it all the time.
Handling and riding horses is a very dangerous and
accident-prone hobby or business.

The statistics are staggering.  Thousands get
thrown, kicked, bitten, and squeezed every year and
end up with broken bones, necks, concussions or

There’s absolutely no reason to take chances with
a 1,000+ lb animal that has superior strength and
a lightning-fast nervous system and muscle control.
The handler looses every time when matched at
that level!

A horse can shy and move it’s entire body, with rider,
in a fraction of a second with very little warning.
(Although you can learn to watch for the warning
signs – but that’s another subject.)

One of the best and most important things you can
use to control a horse that is about to blow up
is one One Rein Stop.  It’s simple to do when you
know how and will work on any horse.

The One Rein Stop is a simple but safe
method to control your horse when he wants to:

– Run out of control
– Buck
– Rear
– Bolt

You can safely control the horse and stop
him when he starts to exhibit these behaviors.

If you don’t know what to do in these situations
or have been hurt in the past when this happened
then this DVD is must for you.

You simply MUST learn to control your horse
when things go bonkers.

Paul Esh teaches the One Rein Stop in this new
DVD.  Paul is an excellent trainer and teacher
and you’ll quickly learn and understand how to
do it right.

Go here now to read more:

You’ll love Paul’s gentle training methods.  He’s really good
at what he does.  You can read more about his history on
the website.

Oh – we include 3 bonus clips on this DVD as well!

Here’s a recent note I got from Liz that references this:


“Hi Charlie,

What you say is so true but having been in lots of barns
people don’t bother training their horses properly and that’s
why so many people get in to trouble.  Lack of knowledge means
lack of confidence and the first thing that pops into a person’s
head is to pull back on the reins because that’s what they are

Then they get so panicked as the horse goes faster they
usually fall off.  I think people need to learn the
one rein stop and learn to do it correctly so the horse
doesn’t fall over and and gradually loses his balance and
stops.  I ‘m telling you people just don’t listen.

Happy Riding


Go here to get your “One Rein Stop” DVD now:

Stay safe out there….


P.S. We also include the “One Rein Stop” DVD with our
Entire DVD Library at no extra cost for a short time.

You can see the Entire DVD Library here:


Discover the most successful
horse training course ever created.

“Prof. Jesse Beery’s Illustrated
Course in Horse Training”

8 Volumes of pure, effective horse training
wisdom used by thousands around the world.
Printed in one, easy-to-use, spiral-bound manual.


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