Horse Training Tips: Sharks and Horses

1. Sharks and Horse

2. The Horse Training DVD and Book Library Offer


1. Sharks and Horses

Did you know that sharks can’t
swim backwards?

Makes sense, I guess.

I suppose there’s no need to.

Horses, on the other hand, can move
about any direction you want ’em too. (They
can even swim…but probably not backwards)

How do you get your horse to move
any direction you want?

By first having the patience to
teach him.

Second, by having an idea of “how” to
teach him.

Third, and very importantly, making
sure the horse knows the right answer.

What do I mean?


Linda Braddy, a favorite here, says
you have to get the right answer from your horse.

What does that mean?

It means you keep asking your horse
to do something…and you don’t stop asking
until he does it.

The concept underneath all this is
the all-famous pressure and release.

Your horse is motivated by pressure.
The pressure types are verbal, mental, and

When you want your horse to move, you
apply pressure.

That pressure causes the move.

When you get the move, stop the pressure.

Simple, right?

Yes…and no.

You’d be shocked how people can mess
this up.

There’s a process to it. And if you follow
the “rules” you’ll do just fine.

So here are the rules.

Let’s say you want your horse to back up.

So let’s say you have a stick and you’re
going to push it into his chest to help teach him
to back.

This is the pressure being caused.

The horse is supposed to move off it.

But he may not at first.


Because he doesn’t know what it means.

Plus, he may be a little dull – some
horses will move off pressure faster than others.

So as you ask your horse to back by pushing
a stick into his chest, you start off with very
light pressure from the stick.

If you go heavy pressure, the horse learns
to move off heavy pressure.  You don’t want that.

You want your horse to move off light

Say the pressure goes from 1 (the lightest)
to 10 – the heaviest.

Start out with a 1.

So as you do this, ask yourself what you
want your horse to do.

What is the goal.

The goal is to move one foot back.


Because it’s simple.  It’s easy.  And it’s
not much to ask.

However, you may find the horse can barely
do that…if at all.

In that instance, all you may get that day
is just a “thought” of doing it.

And guess what?

You may have to accept that.

Is that bad?


It’s just not as fast as you’d like.

On the other hand, who said you had to get
this done…TODAY!?!!

With horses, there is no time constraints.

If you’re up against a time constraint, you’re
gonna blow it.

You do these things at the horse’s pace.



Now suppose you apply pressure and the horse
doesn’t move back.

No problem.

Increase the pressure slightly.

Hold it.

Hold it.

Hold it.

If nothing happens, increase it slightly more.

Hold it.

Hold it.

Hold it…wait a minute…ahhhh…there he

He moved off the stick.

Now there are two things I want you to do
the second he moves off the stick.

What are they?

First, don’t keep applying the pressure as
he moves.  Your stick should not move once the horse
moves off from it.

That’s a huge thing because if you keep applying
the stick pressure, he’ll never know what you want.

Next, after he moves away just don’t do anything.

Just let him soak it in for a few seconds.

Don’t talk to him.

Do NOT pet him.



Resist all temptation to interrupt his thinking
at that moment.


Because he’s gonna mull over in his mind what
he did to get that pressure to stop.

So let him and don’t interrupt him.

All of this can be summed up in four words.

It’s called…

“Getting the right answer”

It’s what Linda Braddy is dang good at doing
and does a fantastic job at teaching it in her DVD.

If you want to get good at this, I urge you
to watch Linda’s information, you’ll be glad you did.

Besides, you’ll see you can do this stuff just
as good as her and the rest of us.

To see more about Linda, click the following:

Just remember to have it clear in your mind
what you want from your horse.

Be sure to give the proper signals and body
language to make it clear what you want.

It instills confidence and trust in your
horse – and Linda will show you how it all comes

If you already own the DVD, I urge you to
watch it again cuz I’ll bet the farm you pick up
several things you missed the first time that’ll
really help you out.

Here’s that link one more time:


2. The Horse Training DVD and Book Library Offer

Want to get a lifetime of knowledge and the horse training
wisdom of 17 professional trainers at a very, very special price?

If you own a stable, are a member of a riding club,
have a local library or just want one to fill out your
own library with the most complete DVD collections
by professional trainers around, then you must look
at the following list of DVD titles and books that
are included in this Special Horse Training Library Offer.

Obviously, this won’t be for everyone.  But if you are
in a position to take advantage of this special offer
to add all these excellent DVDs and books to your
horse training library you should jump on this.

Here’s what we’ve done:

We took all the videos we offer on the website (14 different
titles) plus three new videos we haven’t even released yet,
and then added the 3 books titles we offer and have put the
entire library for sale at a huge discount.

Over 40% off, in fact.

(We also offer just the DVD Library WITHOUT
the books for over 50% savings!)

If you would like to have the equivalent of over 300 years
of horse training expertise at your disposal, along with
some horse training and horseback riding books then
this is the library for you.

Take a look at the whole offering here:

This offer is for a limited time only.

If you want this for your personal horse training library
or get together as a group of friends or a riding club to
loan out, don’t hesitate.

Ok…That’s it for today.  Stay safe out there!


P.S. One little known fact about Linda Braddy?  She used to
run a 300 head facility at Camp Pendleton – a military base.
And she used to hold clinics there as well.  She’s handled
hundreds of horses and she’s probably forgotten more than
most of us as ever learned.

When you get her video be sure to watch it 3 or 4 times.
You’ll pick up more gems each time you watch it.


Just starting out in horseback riding?

Read about this:

“Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide”

It will help you get started on the right “hoof” 😉


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