Horses and Computers. Love and Frustration.
1. Install an ‘Operating System’ on Your Horse
2. We have Two Things In Common….
Ever been frustrated with your computer? How about with your horse?
Needless to say, if you’ve been working with either horses or computers
for very long your answer to both is most likely “yes”.
1. Install an ‘Operating System’ on Your Horse
Trainer Andy Curry talks about when he filmed and interviewed Sam Burrell
and how he installs an Operating System on the horses he’s training.
With computers, the Operating System is the
software that is the brains of everything.
It tells the other application software what to
do and how to do it.
Without it, all those fancy schmancy
programs wouldn’t work – they’d do nothing whatsoever.
Interestingly, that’s dang near how
Sam Burrell’s Operating System is for horses.
Without an Operating System, your
horse won’t do what you want.
Like a locked up computer,
so will your horse be locked up.
Next, picture your horse as divided up
into four parts.
The Head ‘n Neck.
Barrell (Rib cage).
And Hindquarters.
Each of those areas are a zone.
Now the trick is to communicate to your horse
how you’d like him to move those zones.
Thus begins the installation of the
“Operating System”
Read the full description of Sam Burrell’s training and how to install
an ‘operating system’ on your horse here:
Sam Burrell Horse Training DVD
2. We Have Two Things In Common…
We have at least two things in common if you’re reading this.
An interest in horses and the use of a computer.
How you feel about either is probably somewhat dependent on how they are
acting! It’s entirely possible to enjoy both, only one of them, or be
quite frustrated with both….
I’ve had my share of computer problems over the years and was dealing
with a problem the other day that kept showing up.
So I called Jim, a good friend of mine. Jim’s one of those computer whiz
guys and he was describing what he does to fix slow, pokey computers for others.
Seems like after a few months or lots of use, our computers start slooooowing
down almost to a crawl. Windows open up slowly, applications are slow, etc.
He was describing a lot of the common problems and reasons why. And then
started into this long description of how to fix most problems.
Immediately I had to say “Whoooaa there, Geek Breath” Write it down!
So he gave me some notes on some quick things you can do to speed up your
computer and make it run better.
Knowing everyone reading this is using a computer (duh!) I thought
I’d share it with you.
I got it all written down and created a quick web page with all the
helpful things to do. Click the link below and see if it might be
helpful to you:
Ok – that’s a lot to absorb in one issue!
Work with your horses (and your computers) – but do so safely with both!
Hello Charlie,
Just like to thank you for the opportunity to buy Professor Beery’s
training books. The information and his years of experience he has
put into it is invaluable and so easy to put into action. I have
bought a 6 year old gelding that was an ex-pacer,(disposition 2&4)
and has lots of bad habits which include chewing wood, bucking,
bolting, shying and nipping. Basically he was dangerous to ride.
After a month using Jesse’s methods I now have a horse that is easy
and pleasant to ride and is no longer dangerous and unpredictable.
The other thing that is great is you can make the training equipment
that he mentions and describes so easily and cheaply. The only thing
I bought was a surcingle. I also have likely saved thousands of
dollars for training this horse myself instead of sending him
to a professional trainer.
I certainly will not be returning this book, in fact, a wild
team of horses could not drag it from me. As for those that
think this book is outdated I can only laugh at them, ha ha ha.
I bet my horse will be trained before theirs.
Thanks for sending me e-mail tips and I thank you
once again for this wonderful book.
All the best,
Steve Riddle
Jesse Beery Horse Training Course