Skateboarding, Skiing, Teeter-Totters and Horse Back Riding

Skateboarding, Skiing, Teeter-Totters and Horse Back Riding


Here’s a note from Chad in response to the tip
I sent out a couple days ago titled
“Is Your Horse Really Halter Broke?”

“I’ve never thought there was so much to halter
breakin a horse, but after I tried and worked
my colt for about four hours it really started
to pay off.

thanks for all your doin with these training tips.”


Back to today’s tip…..

“Skateboarding, Skiing, Teeter-Totters
and Horse Back Riding”

Are you left or right handed?

If you’re right handed, you’re more ‘n
likely left dominant.

What does that mean?


If you ever skateboarded (is that a word?)
then you likely had your left foot forward and
were more comfortable turning with that foot
forward than with your right foot forward.


Because you’re left dominant.

Ever skied?

If so, when you went down hill, you
may have noticed that when you turned to the
right your left foot was the leading foot.

It was easier to turn to the right
than it was to the left when your right foot
was leading.


Because you’re left dominant.

So what?

What most people don’t know is this
applies to riding a horse too.

You see, you have a dominant side.

This means you will usually sit to
one side more than the other.

It’s just a natural thing we do.

When you sit to one side or the other,
you’re not sitting in the middle of your

That means he has to adjust himself
to accommodate you sitting off center.

It will cause your horse’s hip to
move in a way it wouldn’t normally do had
the rider been sitting centered.

Once the horse’s hip is out of place
because he’s adjusting for the rider, then
everything else goes catty-whompous.

Perhaps you really do sit centered.

To know for sure, have someone film
you riding.

I’d bet all my dimes you’re sitting
on that dominant hip side. (Unless you’re an
accomplished rider)

If you are, then you’re causing your
horse to go off balance to accommodate and he
won’t do what you’d like as well as he could…
such as spins or lead changes.

If you find you should practice sitting
more centered, there are exercises you can
do to help solve it.

But truly, one the most helpful things
about it is just being aware of it.

This is one of the many things Diana
Quintana reveals in her two DVD’s.

If you want to read about them, click on each
of the  following:

“How to Safely and Confidently Ride”

[the DVD above is excellent, in my opinion of course!]

“Want To Train Your Horse?  30 Day Horse Training Plan”

One more thing you should know.

Riding centered isn’t just about leaning
to left or right.

It includes not leaning back or forward.

Both are just as bad as the other.

Lean forward and you shift the balance to
the horse’s front end and make him heavy in the

If, for instance, you were practicing jumping
with your horse and he’s heavy in the front, it makes
for an awkward looking landing that’s also dangerous.

One way to picture this in your mind is picture
yourself sitting right on the apex of a teeter-totter.

If you sit perfectly balanced, it won’t tip
forward or back.

Turn yourself sideways and sit on the teeter
totter again.

As long you don’t lean to the left or right,
the teeter-totter stays balanced.

OK – go work with your horses.  Please do it safely!


P.s. Diana is an excellent teacher and we are just now
reintroducing her DVD on riding.  Please take time to
read about it here:

P.P.S. Are you interested in earning money with your
interest in horses?  Do you have a website, blog, or do
you frequent horse forums?

We’re going to be making an announcement in a few days
that will be of interest to those of you that
want to turn your interest into extra money in your
pocket.  Stay tuned for more info.


There’s nothing like holding the book in your hand.

But the Jesse Beery course in horse training comes in
all forms.

Besides the PDF downloads and the Audio book versions,
we also sell a hard copy (printed book) that includes
not only the Entire 8 volumes of the

“Jesse Beery Illustrated Course In Horsemanship”

but the “Arabian Art of Taming And Training Wild Horses”
AND “Breaking And Training Colts” books as well.

You can buy lots of other horse training books but
none that have been more successful over the years
than this one.

Click on link below to order yours now….


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