1. Weird Injustices and Horse Training
2. The Beery Pulley Bridle:
Many are simply shocked at how well it works
1. Weird Injustices and Horse Training
Here’s a kind of injustice.
Every time you pay $2.79 for a box
of Wheaties with Tiger Woods on the
box, he gets a dime.
How much does the farmer make?
The farmer makes…
“Five Cents!”
Crazy, ain’t it?
The horse world certainly has its
craziness too.
For instance, when Diana Quintana and
I did her interview I asked her lots
of valuable questions.
We were talking about trailers at one
point and she noted how a lot of horses
can be traumatized in trailers.
One thing she learned “way back” was
to use astroturf in the trailer because
it was less scary for the horse.
Now how weird is that?
She also noted that Black Rhino Plastics
the stuff you spray on pickup beds) seems
to scare horses too.
A fair amount of people like to use it
in their trailers but Diana has found it has
a tendency to scare horses.
Diana also iterated that light interiors seem
to be less scary than dark ones.
Now that I can see. (No pun intended)
Diana’s trained over 20 years and has
amassed incredible knowledge.
The horse trailer trauma stuff is only
a part of it.
But she’d be the first to tell you that the
basics are what you stick to.
Don’t go lookin’ for the “newest” thing.
Because it doesn’t exist.
What matters is what works and taking
your time with it.
One of her most valuable training tools she
uses is the simple hay baling string.
She uses it to teach a horse to give.
Actually, she lets the horse teach
himself how to give.
How does she do it?
She ties a piece of the string from the saddle
D-Ring through the snaffle bit rings back up to the horn.
Then she’ll bring his head to one side
and little and let him learn to give to it.
The big thing is not tying their head
around too far.
Because they’ll start to turn in circles.
So just start with tying their head around a little.
Don’t let their head be tied for more
than 10 minutes because they may cramp their neck muscles.
Then do the other side.
Diana says if you do this several days
in a row the horse will learn to give on both
sides – and the best part is…
“You aren’t fighting
the horse – he’s fighting himself.”
This is part of Diana’s 30 Day horse training plan –
if you haven’t seen it yet, click the following:
You’ll find that getting a horse to teach himself
something rather than fighting you is the way to go.
It saves a lot of time too.
In fact, I know another trainer I discussed this with
and she said if she finds herself fighting with the horse
to get him to give…she goes to the round pen and does
just what Diana describes.
She claims it’s one of her best kept secrets.
2. The Beery Pulley Bridle:
Many are simply shocked at how well it works
I got a real nice email from Michele in England that I
want to share. Michele bought the Beery Pulley Bridle
and tried it out on her horse, Stormy. She had to write
and tell me the good news!
I’ll let her email speak for itself:
Hi there Charlie, I hope you are well.
I bought a Beery Pulley Bridle from you. I would like you
to add this comment to your testimonials about this
amazing piece of equipment.
My pony a 13.2 pure bred Haflinger 5 years old is very
difficult to handle as he is extremely nervous. He has
never been mistreated so I put this down to being
very green. He doesn’t bite or kick but has a very bad
habit of rearing (again just green) on Monday I went to
put a saddle on his back (not broken to be ridden yet)
and with the use of the bridle he was as good as gold.
He has had a saddle on before but not for awhile and
last time I tried to put a saddle on him before I got
the bridle it proved impossible. I always make sure
the bridle is on correctly with the pulley being between
the eye and the ear and on Monday I even managed to
lean with my full weight on his back which was a first.
The great thing about this bridle is, although it
works in a similar way to a gag, the rope bit does
not cause any discomfort to the animal which is great.
Leading him now is also so much easier and I feel
like I have more control. He is such a beautiful
little pony who I love to bits and I wouldn’t want
to do anything to hurt him so this bridle has
been a God send.
Thank you so much for introducing me to this
product and keep up the good work.
Thanks for sharing that with us, Michele!
For those of you who might be skeptics, this is yet
another testimonial about how well (and easy) the
Beery Pulley Bridle works.
You can read more about it, along with other
testimonials, here:
Hey – for others of you who have used the Pulley Bridle,
please send me a note with your experiences. I’d love
to add your comments to the rest of them. Thanks.
That’s it for today.
All the best… stay safe out there!
Just learning to ride? Check out our book for those
starting out and learning to ride for the first time:
“Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide”
It can save you a ton on lessons – learn a whole
bunch of stuff before you ever mount a horse for
the first time.