What Dr. Phil Might Ask You About The Whoa In Your Horse

1. What Dr. Phil Might Ask You About The Whoa In Your Horse

2. How To Get Started In Horseback Riding


1. What Dr. Phil Might Ask You About The Whoa In Your Horse

Here’s trainer Andy Curry discussing what Whoa means:

Every trainer I’ve worked with has
agreed on the same thing.

When it comes to ‘Whoa’, it means stop.

Not ‘slow down’.

Not ‘Wait!…I’m about to fall off.’


It means stop.

When we filmed Diana Quintana her remark was:

‘Whoa means STOP NOW!, Drop Dead,
die right here…RIGHT NOW!’

There are various ways of teaching
a horse to stop.

But I want to touch on a few mistakes
that are often made when teaching it.

The first mistake is asking the horse
to stop when you first get him in the pen.

Heck, the horse is fresh.  So you gotta get
the fresh off him.

One way to do that is let them work
for a bit.

After you’ve worked the horse they’re
going to appreciate the stop.  In fact,
they’re going to want it.

They DON’T want it while they’re fresh.

Another mistake made is pullin’ on them with the reins.

I’ve gotten emails from people who’ve
said things like, ‘My horse wouldn’t stop
and I was pulling on the reins like crazy.’

My first question to that horse owner
would be, ‘If it’s not workin’ for you,
don’t you think you should try something else?’

It’s true.

Dr. Phil always asks, ‘How’s that workin’ for ya?’

If it’s not, then cut it.

If it is, then use it. (Provided it’s
humane, of course.)

So getting a horse to stop is not about pulling on the reins.

Besides, your horse will out-pull you
and you’ll teach him to lean on the bit.

Instead, use your seat.

Quit riding when you wanna stop.

Try this.

Next time you’re on your horse, just
sit in the saddle.

Pretend someone threw a ball to you
and it went right to your stomach.

As you catch it, your stomach will
kind of go backwards and your hips forward.

How’s that for a description of what
your seat should be like?

If you can, try it out on your horse.

Remember to take the fresh off him first.

The next thing I want to point out
is something that seems small…but critical.

After you stop your horse, count to 10.


Because it gives you a gauge on how
long to wait before moving your horse
again and, most importantly…

‘It lets your horse
know what a stop is.’

This ‘Count to 10’ rule is one of the
many things Diana Quintana reveals in her
DVD about her 30 day horse training regiment.

If you want to know more about her
methods, click on the following:

Read More About Diana Quintana’s DVD HERE


Stop means stop.

Whoa means whoa.

Whoa means don’t move those legs – STOP!

Read More About Diana Quintana’s DVD HERE


2. How To Get Started In Horseback Riding

Lots of you who receive this email magazine have years of
riding experience.  so this is not for you.

If, however, you are just starting out, or want to get
started and haven’t yet, then listen up.

Dozens, actually hundreds, of folks ask how to get started

Like so many of us as a kid (and many later in life) we dreamed
of starting to ride but either didn’t have time, money or
even the opportunity to start riding.

Some folks have a real desire to ride but feel pretty scared
around those 1,200 pound animals full of muscle and speed!

But that is often what lures many into riding:  the fact
that you can be in control of such a magnificent animal
and enjoy riding for all kinds of different purposes.

Do you just want to have fun riding in a ring, or
strike out trail riding, endurance riding, barrel racing,
roping, cutting, dressage, or a whole list of other
riding disciplines?

It doesn’t matter what your interest is today.

It all starts with the basics.

I urge you to take lessons from a qualified instructor
or trusted friend who knows and handles horses well.

but if you’re just starting out you need lots of
background information about types of horses,
breeds, how to care for them, how they think,
how to control them, etc.

Most of this basic information you can learn from
the comfort of your own home.

Lessons from a qualified instructor are usually
pretty expensive.  Why pay them their expensive rate
to learn the basics that you can learn on your own
at your own pace at home?

Read about “Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide”

This is exactly why we wrote our book:

“Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide”

It was authored and edited by two certified
instructors with over 45 years of experience.

It covers all the basics you’ll need to know
before you ever mount for the first time.

It will save you money and will make you much
more confident as you start to ride.

Follow that dream.  But learn all you can
before you start lessons.  You’ll be glad you did!

The book comes in both a money-saving PDF eBook format
or as a printed book mailed to you.

Read about “Horseback Riding: The Complete Beginner’s Guide”


Ok.. that’s if for today.  Stay safe around your horses!



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