Horse DVD – Horse Training

Horse DVD on Amazon

We are doing a marketing test on Amazon.  We have  20+ copies of one of our most popular DVD titles to Amazon to sell there to test the Amazon marketplace.  If they sell well we’ll offer more titles in the upcoming days and weeks.

And, while supplies last, you can get these DVDs as a very low price.  We’ve taken $12.99 off the price, plus you get excellent handling and shipping from Amazon, including free SuperSaver shipping or free 2-day shipping if you’re an Amazon Prime member.

Diana Quintana Professional Horse Training DVD

The DVD title is “Want To Train Your Horse?”  

Diana’s mastery of horse training, coupled with her excellent ability to teach, makes the horse training process easy to learn and understand.  It features long-time professional trainer and instructor Diana Quintana.  And Diana’s credentials are impressive – you can read about her on the DVD description.

Amazon Image

Go now while they last.  The price goes up after this test is over and all the current inventory of DVDs on Amazon are gone.

Diana Quintana Professional Horse Training DVD

Stay safe out there…



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Horse Riding Books on Kindle

Horse Riding on the Amazon Kindle

 We now have a wide selection of books available for the Amazon Kindle platform.

Did you know you DON’T need a Kindle device to read Kindle books?  You can download the FREE Kindle Readers for your PC, Mac, tablet, iPad, and smart phones.

Here’s some of the books we currently have published for the Kindle.

Simply CLICK on the book cover to read the details:

Amazon ImageAmazon ImageAmazon ImageAmazon ImageAmazon ImageAmazon ImageAmazon Image


Click HERE For the Kindle Fire and Readers Amazon Image

[When you click the Kindle above you will also see a link to the “Free Reading Apps” in the menu bar.]

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Thanksgiving Blessings – I Am Thankful

  “Thanksgiving Blessings – I Am Thankful”

I am taking Thanksgiving Day off so am
sending this Thanksgiving message today.
I’ll be back Friday.

In the USA tomorrow Thanksgiving Day.

Does Thanksgiving mean anything to you?

If you watch TV, read the papers, listen to the
talk shows, and see the ads, you’d think it was
The Day Before Black Friday and Turkey Day.

And, sadly, that’s what it’s been reduced to
for a majority of our citizens.

Hello?  What is the Thanks and Giving all about?

I need to let you know that:

This message will not be “politically correct.”

I would rather hold to the founding principles that
have stood the test of time and to those beliefs
I have.  Founding Principles and Beliefs – ALL
Divinely Inspired.

We could do no better than return to them in
this day and age.

Please don’t take this wrong but if
that offends you – you have three choices:
– understand that’s who we are and read on,
– delete this email, or
– unsubscribe from this list.

Every horse tips email we send has an
unsubscribe link at the bottom.
We’ll part in peace.

So what is Thanksgiving?  A day when we, as a
country, as a nation of predominantly Christian
believers, give thanks to God for His rich
blessings on this country.

If you live in this country and enjoy our
freedoms and are enjoying the opportunities
you have here… then please give
thanks where thanks is due.

EVERY person who legally comes to this country
has equal opportunity.

No other nation in the world has been such a
“melting pot” to provide equal opportunity to
all.  A country of hope, opportunity and
strength.  Not “hope and change”.

We are a country that gives more to the rest
of the world than all other countries combined.
At least, that was the way we have been.

We have an established set of laws and regulations
we are all supposed to abide by.  And we are all
equal no matter where we came from.

Please understand that we have a strong heritage
of sacrifice by those who came to the shores of
this land and endured much – all based on the hope
of a better future.  People who fled persecution
and risked all to start something better.

Our forefathers sought Divine guidance in the
process and, against many odds, were able to
overcome adversity and endure.

And today we are free ONLY because of the risk
they took and it now rides on the back of the
toil and spilled blood of thousands who came
after them.

We owe them all so much and need be genuinely
thankful.  When’s the last time you heard
that in the media?

We should do no less than fall on our knees
and thank God for this rich land and system of
government we have – even as corrupt as it
has become.

There is so much unrest in today’s world.
Be thankful for what we have and be prepared
to defend it in light of current events.

But yet it seems all we hear in the media is
“turkey day”, football and Black Friday.

Where’s the Thanks?  Where’s the remembrance
of all those who risked their lives for our
benefit and all that we inherited in the process?

I’m wondering how many of the current generation
of 20+ year olds and younger actually know what
Thanksgiving really is?  Warning – don’t seek
answers to that questions from the
media – you’ll get a very distorted view.

Any more we can’t stand for anything because we
might offend someone.  Hogwash.  To not stand for who
we are, to not acknowledge our Christian heritage,
to pretend that we can’t make a statement of faith
because not everyone believes like we do is like
handing over our country to the enemy.

I pray for men, women, moms, dads, business owners
and leaders who will take a stand despite what
the rest of world thinks.  We didn’t achieve
greatness by being a “me too” country.

Nor will we continue to be great if we
fail to stand for what we were founded on
or fail to acknowledge God and seek His
protection over us.

In as early as one more generation we won’t
have any semblance of heritage left and we’ll
end up going the way many other countries that
don’t stand for anything anymore.

Lord help us, open our eyes, and let us
see what’s really happening.

We have so much to be thankful for and every
citizen of this great country needs to stop
and be thankful for it in some way.

Our government, as flawed as it may be, is
still the best in the world.  We have a lot of
challenges in front of us and have lots of
mis-directed politicians and special interests
who seemingly want to take this country down.

I pray we can find men and women of character
to restore those principles we were founded on.

I pray we can elect leaders who will stand up
for this country and put the country and its
people first – instead of lining the pockets
of the special interests and lobbyists.

I don’t care what party they are – doing the
right thing shouldn’t need a party affiliation.

We’ve never seen corruption this bad and
if we don’t clean house fast we’re headed down.

Pray for this country.  Pray for our leaders.
Pray they are shaken to the core and will put
righteousness ahead of self interest.


So what are you thankful for?

Take a few moments and think about that.  Try
focusing on the positive things in your life
rather than all things the world tells you that
you should have.  Food, shelter, clothing,
health, work??  How about God’s grace?

I like Dave Ramsey’s response when asked
how he’s doing.  He responds:

“Better than I deserve”.

Without God’s grace my life would be pretty ugly.

I’m thankful for our troops around the world who
continually secure our safety in a world where
many want to destroy us.  Please pray for them
and for their families for all their sacrifices.

There’s thousands of families who are apart this
Thanksgiving because Fathers, Sons, Moms and
Daughters are deployed half way around the world for
OUR benefit.  Pray for them all.

I am thankful for my family.  For a loving wife
who gives her all for us – as a wife, as a mother
of 5 and a home school Mom.  (She’s an angel)
And for my five kids (15 – 33) – who all have
accepted the Lord as their personal savior.

I’m thankful for living in a country where I have
the opportunity to risk personal funds, blood,
sweat and tears to start a business and have
personal gain through it.  It doesn’t come with
any guarantees.  Both the rewards and the losses
are mine (except the tax part, that is….).

For those of you receiving this message – Thanks.

From my family to yours, thanks for your interest and
support for our business.  We strive to provide
products and services that are helpful, useful,
at a fair price and try our best to serve you with respect.

We’re not perfect but will always try to make
it right if we fail.

So there ya go.  My Thanksgiving Blessing to
all of you.  Thanks for reading.

We’ll get back to regular horse tips on Friday.

In the meantime – enjoy friends and family.  Take
a few moments to express your gratitude to those
around you for all your provision and for the
blessings you’ve been given.

Encourage one another in the Lord and lift up
those around you who need it.  We all need the
support of other like-minded folks to stay alert,
fight back the enemy and thrive.

Lord bless you all.  Happy Thanksgiving!


P.S. Today is the LSAST DAY for the Kindle
book launch and your opportunity to get a
$15 Gift Certificate coupon good for ANYTHING.

P.P.S. Would you like to be able to learn how
to write and publish your own books?  Would you
like to earn extra $$ each month – or even
replace a full-time income by publishing?

ANYONE can do it.  If you’re interested in
learning how, reply to this email and just
say Yes.  I’ve been doing it for years, and
have profited by it nicely.  I will be publishing
a course that will teach you how to do it, too.

Stay tuned!


Here’s just a few of the dozens of responses
from previous Thanksgiving messages I’ve written:

“Charlie I couldn’t of said it better myself. I LOVE
reading your material. I am thankful for everything
I have and for my wonderful family and friends. You
are right–this country isn’t perfect BUT nothing is
except the Lord. I have a strong faith and I love knowing
there are people like you who try and make things better
for everyone else. Keep up the GREAT work and as always
I look forward to the next email.  🙂
From my family to yours Happy Thanksgiving.  Denise”

“Happy Thanksgiving Charlie, to you and your family.
I really hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.  I
wanted to thank you for all your emails, especially
this one, I just got about Thanksgiving.  All too
often we forget the principles on which our country
was founded.  And now our government wants to take
God out of everything. If it wasn’t for God, we wouldn’t
be here.  I thank God for the time and effort you put
into your emails and all the other things you do for
people.  I’ve got your horse training methods, some of
them, anyway.  I can’t afford to buy them all, because
of being on a limited income and having to feed horses
too.  But, I want you to know, that I appreciate you emails
and hope you keep them coming.
Thank you again, Charlie for all you do and God Bless you
and your family today and everyday.

“thanks for all the training info it has been a big
help to my daughters, and hope ur holiday is full
of love and kindness”

“Thank you so much for this timely reminder.  I lost my
dear mother this summer, but thanks to the promise of
John 3:16, I know where she is, and I know I will see
her again!
Cordially,  Annie”

“Charlie: I always anticipate receiving your tips. But,
a special “Thank You” for the special messages. May you
and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!  Ken”

“Dear Charlie,
Thank you… You have just SO made my day~
Be blessed, you and yours…
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

Here’s one that mentioned the How To Cure The Barn Sour
and Herd Bound book we sell/give away:

“Hi Charlie,
Thanks for the GREAT Thanksgiving message!!

Also, just wanted to let you know that I downloaded the book
“How to Cure A Barn Sour Or Herd Bound Horse”
I read through it all immediately and put it to work
the very next day.  I have had a mare that has made
me so angry I could have ACTUALLY SHOT HER!!
Of course I did not, but wanted very much to at times.

Anyway, I am so amazed – the book helped me SO MUCH!!!
I have FINALLY been able to “connect” with her.
I feel so Hopeful now with her.
I had lost ALL hope………
What a great book!!!!!!!
Shawn D.”


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