Is Your Horse Half-Brained?

Is Your Horse Half-Brained?

First: A Quick Note About Our Emails:

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While we enjoy writing and sharing these free horse training tips with thousands, we want to “reward” those who support us.

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Back to Today’s Tip:

“Is Your Horse Half-Brained?”

[I pulled this tip out of the drawer. If you’ve been around a long time you might have seen it before.  But we have a bunch of new readers so it bears repeating!]

I remember being called ‘half brain’ when I was younger.

The reason for that was my ‘not so smart moments’ in life like when I forgot to shut the front door as I left the house or a dozen other things.

With teens I call it “teenage mind of mush”.

But what about horses?

Believe it or not, horses are half brained much of the time and it can work against you if you’re not aware of it.

Here’s what I mean.

As you know, horses have an eye on each side of their head.

The right eye can see what’s going on towards the front of him, to his right, and behind him on the right.

His left eye takes care of the other side.

Thus, one eye can see what’s happening on one side of his body ‘independently’ of the other eye.

Us humans do not have that ability.

Do you know what that means?

That means ‘half’ of his attention is assigned to one eye.  The other half of his attention is assigned to the other eye.

That means half of his brain is with one eye and the other half is with the other eye.

Why is that important?

Because when you’re working with your horse and you’ve only got one of his eyes on you…

You Only Have Half Of His Attention!

If you don’t have his attention, you don’t have the horse.

What’s curious to me is a lot of people don’t understand this.  Or if they do, they don’t seem to mind the horse doesn’t give them full attention.

But it’s crucial to have it if you’re going to teach your horse something.

Not only that, I find it totally disrespectful to NOT have someone’s attention when I’m talking – and that goes for horses too!

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and as you talk they look away, or act uninterested, or keep looking at their watch?

That’s rude!

Although I can’t do much about a person being rude, I certainly can with a horse.

And when a horse isn’t giving me his attention, it’s rude.

After all, I’m not asking them to give it to me all day.

They have 23 hours a day to eat, meander, run, etc….but when it’s my time – I want ’em giving me attention.

And if I only get one eye, then I’m not getting ALL their attention.

Now there are many times you won’t always get both eyes.

After all, if you’re lungeing a horse you’ll only get one eye because he’s circling around you.


He can still focus most of his attention on you while lungeing.

And he should.

But remember, a horse’s attention span isn’t all that long and they have to be reminded to give it to you.

The younger the horse, the shorter the attention span. (Generally speaking)

How do you get your horse’s attention back on you if you lose it?

Make ’em move.

Create a little pressure.

Now why is this important?

Well, a horse ignoring you is bad manners for the horse.

A horse, like kids, must have good manners.  Giving you attention is part of good manners.

But also, to train a horse you must have his attention.

If he’s going to be responsive to what you ask him to do, you have to have his attention.

What I just told you about how the horse’s brain works and how getting both eyes gives you both sides of his brain…which gives you his attention…is a significant part of understanding the horse.

If you have ever wondered to yourself, ‘Why does my horse do X ? ‘, then it may be there’s something about his nature you don’t know…but should.

In all my encounters with horse trainers, there’s one thing (among others) that we consistently agree on.  And that is…

‘To be successful with horses, you must understand their nature.’

Makes sense, really.

After all, if you’re going to be a surgeon, you must know how the body works so you can repair damage and keep it working.

If you’re going to be an auto mechanic, you must know how engines work to fix them.

If you make engine repairs that are inconsistent with how an engine works, you will fail.

Training your horse is much the same way.

You MUST know how it works, thinks, acts, reacts, and so on.

You also have to train for both sides of the horse.  But that will be another lesson.

There are lots of books on the subject if you want to read and study up on it.

Jesse Beery figured this out real early when he was learning horse training and developing his training methods.  You can see more about his training course here:

And we have enabled the Coupon Code BEERY15 and you can take 15% OFF ANY Jesse Beery product including the 8 volume Course, Beery Pulley Bridle,
4-Way bit and all the Bundles for extra savings.

Or, you can take advantage of many of our excellent training videos by one of our professional trainers here:

For the next couple days you can use the Coupon Code A32 and take 32% OFF all our DVDs.


The more you know about your horse, the better you’ll be.

That’s the big difference between people who are mildly successful versus those who can get their horses doing amazing things.

Knowledge makes the difference.  And the proper application of that knowledge.

It begins with understanding the nature of your horse.

Ok… that’s it.

Stay safe out there with your horses.


P.S. Coupon BEERY15 – coupon code to get 15% OFF ALL Beery products (books, downloads, pulley bridle, bit)

Save enen more – check our the Bundles we have as well:

P.P.S. Celebrate our Anniversary with us!  Use the Coupon A32 – take 32% OFF ALL DVDs.

Get all the DVDs here:

Discover the most successful horse training course ever created.

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Tens of thousands have used Beery’s methods successfully…why not you?


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Horse Training: It’s All About The Concepts

Horse Training Tips

Using Basic Training Concepts for Your Horse

It happens all the time.  I get dozens of questions about how to fix a whole lot of problems from very basic to more advanced, complicated issues.  I’d say clearly 90% or more of them are solved by going back to the basics.

The two main factors you have to work with when training horses is Memory and Habit.

Most horses act through instinct and habit, which is associated with his memory of what he learned earlier.  This is, in fact, one of the great characteristics of the horse – his uniformity of conduct in everyday life.  Once trained he will almost always do the same thing over and over under the same conditions.

First, just like kids (mine at least!), no training of the horse will take place until you get his attention. Second, you must make him understand what you want him to do.

To be successful in training a horse, you must base the results on reward and punishment – reward him for doing the right things by stroking him on the neck, rubbing him between his eyes, a gentle word, etc.

Any punishment for doing the wrong thing must happen immediately after he does it – never later.  Never, never abuse a horse.  There are no situations where abuse of any kind is either justified or profitable. Punishment in this sense is to make him work more, telling him “No” when he does something wrong and quickly praising him when he at least gives you a “try”.

You must also be sure you never punish a horse for something that is out of his control. For example – if you have a horse that kicks because something is hurting him or if he shys at something because he is afraid then you shouldn’t punish him.  But if you have trained a horse to do something by command and he fails to do it, then make any punishment swift, but appropriate.

Again, just like kids, different horses respond to different handling and correction.  Some are very high-strung while others are more docile.  Each one requires different handling.  You can refer to the extensive work Jesse Beery has done to classify the dispositions of horses and how to handle each type.

You can read all about Jesse Beery and his famous horse training course here.

Never loose your temper while training a horse – when you do so you’ll not be gaining anything and most likely will be confusing the horse.  Put the horse in the stable or out to pasture until you cool down.

Once you understand how a horse thinks and perceives threats you’ll understand how to overcome his fears.  Understand his senses and the division of his brain. Understand that you must train him from both sides, front and back since there is no communication from right to left in his brain.  The horse cannot reason.  You can (hopefully!).

Training the horse is developing good habits.  In the process of training and rewarding the horse for doing the desired thing, you are developing good habits.  However, when you have a horse that continues to react negatively for certain things then you must bring the horse into subjection.  Beery goes into this at length and describes how to use various halters, ropes and fittings to do so.  By showing the horse that you have complete control over his movements and can harness his strength and control him at will, he will finally come into subjection and not forget it.

We have received many letters from folks who have taken horses who were completely out of control and did nothing but follow the Jesse Beery methods and turned out gentle, well-mannered horses that are a joy to ride and work with.

Many people have looked at the 100 year old writings of Jesse Beery and his training methods and don’t ‘feel like it is for today’s horses’.   The fact are clear: horses simply have not changed in the 4,000 or so years man has been using them.  To even suggest that the effective, non-abusive, proven training methods that were so successfully used over 100 years ago and taught to literally thousands of horse owners were not useful today is utterly ridiculous.

Think about this – over a hundred years ago and before, horses were used the PRIMARY means of transportation and work.  They HAD to have good, well-mannered horses or their lives and support were at risk.  That’s the timeframe when Jesse Beery developed and wrote his famous horse training courses.  He was a genius at developing easy-to-use, very effective training methods and could teach it in a way that people could understand and do.

If your horse has ANY bad habit – such as kicking, bucking, shying, you can’t pick up his feet, etc…  then Prof. Jesse Beery’s methods can cure it – and he shows you how in detail how to do it.

One thing that gets frequent comments from the Beery methods is throwing a horse to bring it under subjection.  Prof. Beery shows you exactly how do it safely and under what situations it should be done. HOWEVER, I’d dare say that less than 5% of the horse owners in the world would ever need to do so.  And in those situations, the horse would most likely be of no benefit to anyone until they did.

Prof. Jesse BeeryMy points from above are this:  learn the basic training methods using the simple techniques presented by Jesse Beery.  Please do not discount the value of his methods just because they are 100 years old.  Look at how successfully the Arabians trained their horses using very similar methods thousands of years ago….  And folks – it still works and is still very effective.

Use the coupon code BEERY15 and get 15% OFF ANY of of our Jesse Beery products (books, downloads, audio books, 4-Way Training Bit, and the famous Beery Pulley Bridle).

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Father’s Day Blessings

In This Special Father’s Day Issue:

“Father’s Day Blessings”

I wanted to say “Happy Father’s Day” to all you Dads
out there.  Your roles are so important in the family
and being a father carries an awesome responsibility.

It wasn’t until I had my first child that I really
understood the full impact and responsibilities a Dad

I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

As a father of 5 (ages 14 – 32) I can only
thank the Lord for each one.  Each one is a
unique blessing and by, the Grace of God,
all are serving the Lord.

The saying “Behind every successful man is a
great woman” is certain true in my life.  My wife
is an angel.  Between her putting up with me,
being a home school Mom, giving lots of time
to various ministries and also helping
with the books for the business…well, I
can claim only a little credit for any
success we’ve had.  She’s “completed me.”

With the Lord’s direction and strength, and my
wife’s support, I believe we can tackle anything
He leads us into.

I was fortunate to have a father that modeled the way
a father should be.  I try to do the same.  Have I failed
in different areas and could I have done a better
job?  Absolutely – thank heavens for grace and

We’re far from perfect and we’ve have
significant trials, but the Lord has blessed
our family as we have drawn closer to Him.
As a father, I couldn’t ask for anything more.
We have issues just like anyone else.  But we
know we can call on Him daily for strength.

My Father passed away in 2003 at 84.  He was raised
using horses on the dairy farm.  What is amazing is
that within a single generation he went from using
horse-drawn wagons to deliver milk to flying WW2
fighters (propeller) in the Air Force, to jets and
then missiles and then the SR-71 Blackbird.

No other time in human history could one person see the
progression from horses to space.  Simply amazing!

These days most businesses probably don’t share much about
their family and all, but I have heard from many of
you who thank me for sharing some of the personal stuff.

I believe you want to do business with real people
(and so do we).  We’re grateful for your business
and will try to serve you the best we can.

All the kids have helped with the business over time.
I feel it gives them a real sense of what it takes
to run a business, provide good products and services,
planning, finances, and all the other valuable lessons.
It helps them prepare for life as they step out to
support themselves and family in the future.

So – good, bad or indifferent – that’s who we are.  And
we’re ready to serve you with all your horse training and
riding information needs.


Father’s Day:

Ya know, it seems you can’t turn on the TV any more without
someone bashing the father figure.  (I guess that’s why
we don’t watch any regular TV shows in our family
because it’s a distorted view of the family and
the father’s role in the home.)

There’s lots of kids that don’t have a father in
the home or don’t have a strong father to model
the way.  It’s a tragedy.  We have ministries in
our church to address much of that but we certainly
can’t replace a real father.  For most, the best
thing we can do is to point them towards their
Heavenly Father and teach them to lean on Him.

Thankfully, He will never let us down.

I know this is a horse tips list but I think
there is a message for some of you that you
need to hear today:

Perhaps you don’t have a favorable view of your
father.  Among the thousands of readers I have
to this horse tips magazine list there has to be
many who either didn’t have a Dad at home for
various reasons or had a Dad who didn’t model
what a Father should be.  Some of you were
probably hurt in various ways.

Can I say this – if you are holding on to hurts,
resentment or even hate – there is a peace and
freedom that comes from releasing those feelings
and letting go.  Forgiveness trumps justice
and resentment every time.

I am teaching a series of Sunday School lessons
on forgiveness.  It’s powerful.  Examine your
heart and ask the Lord to help you forgive.
You can have peace through it all.

End of sermon…  :>)

So – to all you Dad’s – Happy Father’s Day.

For the rest of you – please take time to contact
your father if you can.  And please take time to
encourage your Dad and others around you.

A strong nation is built on strong families.  And,
strong families need strong fathers that will both
lead and support them.

Here’s a hint for all you wives and children…

As a father I can assure you this:  It doesn’t take
much encouragement to energize us Dads to keep us going.
But every little bit is important.  Thank us.
Acknowledge us for what we do.  Encourage us in our work.
Be sincere, hug us and tell us you believe in us.
We can go a long, long ways with that.

Lord bless all of you Dads on Sunday
(and throughout the year).

OK – that’s it.  Enjoy your weekend.  And Happy Father’s Day
to all you Dads out there.  Stay safe around your horses.


Charlie Hicks

P.S. This is a surprise coupon good through Tuesday only:

Take 20% OFF anything in your shopping cart.  Use
the Coupon Code:  FATHER

Thanks for your business.

— Charlie


Don’t continue to put up with your horse
not doing what you ask.

Take each problem area and
figure out how to solve it.

Between the Jesse Beery course and the
Pulley Bridle, there’s just no excuse
for not fixing all those pesky problems!



Links for your reference:

Kindle books (and FREE Kindle readers for PC, Mac, phones):

Our DVDs:

Jesse Beery Horse Training Course:

Beginner’s Horseback Riding Book:

Beery Pulley Bridle:

The Horse Library (best value anywhere):

Our horse training bundles for big savings:

Our very popular Horseback Riding Beginner’s Guide


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