A Special Christmas Message For You

Charlie From  www.HorseTrainingResources.com  here…

“A Special Christmas Message For You”

I’d like to personally share this Special
Christmas message with you from my heart.

Christmas Horse

This is probably unlike any other emails
you get from other businesses.  If you’ve been
around a few years you know who we are.
If not, you’ll get a small glimpse about

Ours is a family business – my wife helps
with the bookkeeping and all 5 of my kids
either have in the past, or currently are,
involved in keeping things going.

Through this web business we have been privileged

to get to know, serve and help tens of thousands of
horse-lovin’ folks like you.

Thousands now read our horse tips emails
multiple times a week. In fact, some of
you have been with us since we started
in early 2006.

Many of you have received many hundreds
of horse tips, along with the special emails
we’ve sent at different events during the year.
All without charge.

Whether you joined yesterday or years ago,
we want to say “Thanks” for being there.

And, thanks for your business and notes of support.

For those of you who are new, you’ll find that
we don’t hide our faith and beliefs. We don’t,
in any way, show preference to anyone who
believes like us or differently than us.

Everyone is welcome and we don’t discriminate
at all based on faith, origin, sex, horse
breed or riding style ;>)

Act in a civil manner and we’ll welcome you.

But you’ll also find that we aren’t necessarily
“politically correct”, either. Please understand
that this is who we are and how we live our lives.

Nor do we separate our personal and business
lives. We operate our family and our business
on the same values, beliefs and morals. (I only
wish that most other businesses would do the same.)

Personally, I like to know who I’m dealing with.

We are a family of Christian believers. We have
5 children from 16 to 35. Two are still at home.
We home school and will graduate another one
this year.

I am pleased to say that all 5 of my children
have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Next to our own salvation, we feel that is
THE most important thing we could do – to lead
our children to the Lord. All of life’s issues
(that matter) will fall in line after that.

Every one in our family is heavily involved in
our church (or churches where they live), multiple
ministries, missionaries and community services.
I now serve on staff part-time at one the larger
churches in the Omaha metro area.

We are probably unique this day and age when so
many people think they have to tip toe around
their faith and cannot express their beliefs.

We don’t bend our message or make allowances
in the way we run our business to suit someone
else’s beliefs or non-beliefs. Our readers and
customers can freely choose who they want to do
business with and we’re about as transparent about
who we are as can be!

We are blessed. It’s a lot of work and we’ve
risked just about everything to make a go of it,
but the Lord has blessed the business overall
and we continue to change and grow. Finances are
tight but we don’t give up or slow down.

We’re tired – in a good way – from building,
growing, and investing in the future.

While it’s been a challenge in these changing
economic times. we’ve adjusted. I still believe
that if we invest in folks by giving away our
horse tips, book downloads, etc. that they will
eventually do business with us when they
have a need and the funds to do it.

We’ll continue doing business this
way until we are proven wrong.

We would hope that you’ll feel comfortable doing
business with us once you get to know, like and
trust us. We honestly hope to earn your business.


OK – enough about who we are.


Allow me to offer a few thoughts
about Christ and Christmas – the REAL
reason for this email and the Reason for
the Season.

First – please pray for our service men and
women who are deployed away from home at this
time. And pray for their families who are
sacrificing right along with them.

We owe our highest gratitude to these
families who have or are now serving this
country and securing our freedom. As
the son of an Air Force pilot who didn’t
see his Dad for months and months at
a time, I salute you and say thanks.

Next – pray for our leaders – from the
President and his cabinet all the way
to down through the legislators and courts.

It’s real obvious that there is corruption
from the top down. And it doesn’t seem to
matter what political party you’re from.

Corruption doesn’t follow political parties
but rather reflects the hearts of those serving.

This hasn’t changed in a few thousand years.

It’s no secret that our country, along with
the countries in Europe and around the
globe, are consumed with debt, financial
malfeasance, a welfare state, and a lack
of common sense. It’s sickening to watch,
only to understand that it will all come
crashing down eventually. Maybe soon.

History is a great teacher here. Why should
we expect a different result? We best
prepare ourselves and families for it.

I fear for the future of my children and
grandchildren. Lord Jesus, come quickly!

So much of society is willing to allow evil
to rein. And call good, evil. The very
Christian foundations this country was
built on are being challenged daily.

If we cease to be a God-fearing people then
our days are numbered as a country.

So what does this mean for you?

My only conclusion is this:

If you haven’t invited Jesus Christ into your
life as Lord and Savior then you need to do
that now.

If you are a Christian and aren’t living
the Christian lifestyle, then you need to
re-evaluate things and straighten things out.

If you’ve fallen away from what you know
is true then now is the time to commit
to turning around now.

What better time to do this than now! At
the time we celebrate our Lord’s birth.

Want to know the truth? While I’d love to
sell you lots of horse training DVDs, books,
and related products, the most important thing
you need in your life right now is to the have
the assurance that YOU will have eternal life.

There is NOTHING more important than that.

Your job, your horses, your possessions, even
your friends and family – all of it comes
second to YOUR assurance of eternal life.

You see, we are all sinners. Left to ourselves,
we are all wretched beings. ALL of us have
done things, said things, are doing things and
think things that are wrong. Things that are evil
or morally wrong.

You know in your heart that is true. Each
one of us has a sinful nature. We were all
born into sin since Adam and Eve.

But heaven is a perfect place. And therein
lies the problem. How do we, as sinners, enter
into a perfect heaven where Christ reins?

My friend, it is through the birth, death and
resurrection of Christ Jesus our Savior. HE
paid the price for our transgressions, HE took
our sin to the cross on our behalf. He, and
He alone, paid for our salvation.

Many of you reading this are Christian believers.

But many of you are not. Perhaps you’ve been
told of the plan of salvation or perhaps not.

What is most important right now is:

“What are you going to do about it?”

He’s calling you now. He’s knocking on the
door of your heart. Open the door and let him
in and accept him as Lord of your life.

This is the most important thing you could do
right now. You see, we don’t know what
could happen to us in the next few minutes,
days or months ahead. Individually, we don’t
know if we’ll see tomorrow or not.

If you haven’t accepted the Lord as Savior
in your life you can do it right now. Say
a simple prayer like this:

“Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner and need you
in my life. I want to spend eternity with
you. Lord, please forgive me of my sins and
come into my heart.

You said in Romans 10:9 that if we confess with our
mouths that Jesus is Lord, and believe in our hearts
that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Lord, transform me and take control of my
life that I might please you.

God, thank you for offering the gift of your
Son that I might be saved. Amen.”

That, my friends, is the most important
prayer you could ever say. And once you
do, you’ll want to share that with your
family and friends.

If you said that prayer just now, please
let me know. Send me an email.
Thanks, and congratulations!
Christmas is about Christ. You’d hardly
know it as you look around these days.

Please, be diligent about keeping Christ
in your Christmas. Let it be evident in
your life – to your family, friends and
work. He’ll reward you greatly as you serve Him.

So, perhaps not the email you expected today
from a horse training business. But nothing
could be more important to your life and to
me than to know your heart is right with the Lord.
Everything else will fall into proper perspective
once that happens.

Lord bless you and your family in this
Christmas season. And may He direct your
steps throughout the coming year.

Here’s a quick horse tip for you:

As you go out to work with your horse, have
a very specific thing you want to accomplish.

Then, just before you start, ask the Lord
to help you understand your horse, to give
you insight into the horse’s thoughts and
reactions and to direct your voice, temperament,
and actions as you train him. Ask the Lord
to keep you safe. You’ll be amazed at the
results you can get by approaching the horse
with the right attitude and understanding.

Proceed with gentleness yet firmness as
necessary. Don’t react but rather try to
understand and adjust your training to the
response your horse is displaying.

To everyone,

Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!


Charlie and family

[More horse tips in a couple days…
I’m going to spend the rest of today and
Christmas Day with my family.]

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With A Heart Of Thanksgiving

  “With A Heart Of Thanksgiving”

Horseback RidingThanksgiving means a lot to me and my family.

I hold to the founding principles that have
stood the test of time.  Founding Principles
and Beliefs – ALL Divinely Inspired.

We could do no better than return to them in
this day and age.

I have a heart of Thanksgiving for all that
the Lord has done for me, my family and this
country.  I say that because I need to
constantly remind myself and others that
HE is the source of all we have…NOT the
government, not men or women, not religions,
not countries, not politicians or anyone else.

He and He alone is.

It seems that all we hear today is how the
political crowd, special interests, welfare
crowd, certain unions, certain lifestyle groups
and many other groups aren’t getting their
needs met or wanting something for nothing.

Or they want to change the rules and force
the majority to acknowledge or legitimize
the ways of minorities.  Nor can we call
sin what it is, for fear of offending someone.

We’ve stripped the very things we believe out
of many of our institutions and schools.  Truth
is being shunned wile perversion is being exalted.

Millions of people enter into this
country illegally and want the benefit of
all the things our forefathers, families
and generations have fought for.  They
want it all for little or nothing and want
us to accept them when they break our laws.

Did I leave anyone out?  I am an equal
opportunity offender.  But I tell the truth!

Folks – follow the money.  Follow the quest
for power and control.  It’s all rooted in
those things.  Woe unto those who call
good evil and evil good!

OK – Let’s Get Back On Track….

So what is Thanksgiving?  A day when we, as a
country, as a nation of predominantly Christian
believers, give thanks to God for His rich
blessings on this country.  It is a day for
ALL citizens of the US to give thanks.

If you live in this country and enjoy our
freedoms and are enjoying the opportunities
you have here… then please give
thanks where thanks is due.

EVERY person who legally comes to this country
has equal opportunity.

No other nation in the world has been such a
“melting pot” to provide equal opportunity to
all.  A country of hope, opportunity and
strength through sacrifice, blood, sweat
and Divine direction.  Not “hope and change”.

We are a country that gives more to the rest
of the world than all other countries combined.
At least, that was the way we have been.

We have an established set of laws and regulations
we are all supposed to abide by.  And we are all
equal no matter where we came from.

Please understand that we have a strong heritage
of sacrifice by those who came to the shores of
this land and endured much – all based on the hope
of a better future.  People who fled persecution
and risked all to start something better.

Our forefathers sought Divine guidance in the
process and, against many odds, were able to
overcome adversity and endure.

And today we are free ONLY because of the risk
they took and it now rides on the back of the
toil and spilled blood of thousands who came
after them.

We owe them all so much and need be genuinely
thankful.  When’s the last time you heard
that in the media?

We should do no less than fall on our knees
and thank God for this rich land and system of
government we have – even as corrupt as it
has become.

There is so much unrest in today’s world.
Be thankful for what we have yet be prepared
to defend it in light of current events.

But yet it seems all we hear in the media is
“turkey day”, football and Black Friday.

Where’s the Thanks?  Where’s the remembrance
of all those who risked their lives for our
benefit and all that we inherited in the process?

I’m wondering how many of the current generation
of 20+ year olds and younger actually know what
Thanksgiving really is?  Warning – don’t seek
answers to that question from the media –
you’ll get a very distorted view.

Any more we can’t stand for anything because we
might offend someone.  Hogwash.  To not stand for who
we are, to not acknowledge our Christian heritage,
to pretend that we can’t make a statement of faith
because not everyone believes like we do is like
handing over our country to the enemy.

I pray for men, women, moms, dads, business owners
and leaders who will take a stand despite what
the rest of world thinks.  We didn’t achieve
greatness by being a “me too” and “offend no one”

Nor will we continue to be great if we
fail to stand for what we were founded on
or fail to acknowledge God and seek His
protection over us.

In as early as one more generation we won’t
have any semblance of heritage left and we’ll
end up going the way many other countries that
don’t stand for anything anymore.

Lord help us, open our eyes, and let us
see what’s really happening.

We have so much to be thankful for and every
citizen of this great country needs to stop
and be thankful for it in some way.

Our government, as flawed as it may be, is
still the best in the world.  We have a lot of
challenges in front of us and have lots of
misdirected politicians and special interests
who seemingly want to take this country down.

And BOTH the Republican and Democrats are to blame.

I pray we can find men and women of character
to restore those principles we were founded on.

I pray we can elect leaders who will stand up
for this country and put the country and its
people first – instead of lining the pockets
of the special interests and lobbyists.

I don’t care what party they are – doing the
right thing shouldn’t need a party affiliation.

We’ve never seen corruption this bad and
if we don’t clean house fast we’re headed down.

Pray for this country.  Pray for our leaders.
Pray they are shaken to the core and will put
righteousness ahead of self interest.


I truly have a Heart of Thanksgiving and my
wife and kids pray together about that frequently.
I want my children to inherit the spirit of
what this country was founded on and know
the real truth about it.  Not the revisionist’s
changes to the history books that would attempt
to malign our heritage.

Take a few moments and think about that.  Try
focusing on the positive things in your life
rather than all things the world tells you that
you should have.  Food, shelter, clothing,
health, work??

How about God’s grace in your life?

I like Dave Ramsey’s response when asked
how he’s doing.  He responds:

“Better than I deserve”.

  Without God’s grace, my life would be pretty ugly.

I’m thankful for our troops around the world who
continually secure our safety in a world where
many want to destroy us.  Please pray for them
and for their families for all their sacrifices.

There’s thousands of families who are apart this
Thanksgiving because Fathers, Sons, Moms and
Daughters are deployed half way around the world for
OUR benefit.  Pray for them all.

I am thankful for my family.  For a loving wife
who gives her all for us – as a wife, as a mother
of 5 and a home school Mom.  (She’s an angel)
And for my five kids (16 – 34) – who all have
accepted the Lord as their personal savior.

I’m thankful for living in a country where I have
the opportunity to risk personal funds, blood,
sweat and tears to start a business and have
personal gain through it.  It doesn’t come with
any guarantees.  Both the rewards and the losses
are mine (except the tax part, that is….).

For those of you receiving this message – Thanks.

From my family to yours, thanks for your interest and
support for our business.  We strive to provide
products and services that are helpful, useful,
at a fair price and try our best to serve you with respect.

We’re not perfect but will always try to make
it right if we fail.

So there ya go.  My Thanksgiving Blessing to
all of you.  Thanks for reading.

We’ll get back to regular horse tips on Friday.

In the meantime – enjoy friends and family.  Take
a few moments to express your gratitude to those
around you for all your provision and for the
blessings you’ve been given.

Encourage one another in the Lord and lift up
those around you who need it.  We all need the
support of other like-minded folks to stay alert,
fight back the enemy and thrive.

  Lord bless you all.  Happy Thanksgiving!


 P.S. Earlier this week I announced a special
offering for those who subscribe to
“The Horse Library Online”.  You can get access
to over 30 full-length professional training,
riding and horse care DVDs, multiple books,
audio books, articles, recordings, old horse
movies and more!


A Thanksgiving Bonus:

 When you sign up by Nov. 30th we’ll also send you
 a DVD or a book at not cost to you.  It’s our way
 of saying “Thanks” for being a new or repeat
 customer to The Horse Library Online.

 Click here to read more and get signed up:

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here’s just a few of the dozens of responses
 from previous Thanksgiving messages I’ve written:

“Happy Thanksgiving, Charlie, to you and your family!

I want to thank you for your emails. Not just the
horse tips, but all your words of wisdom.

Thank you for being a man who loves God and is not
ashamed to make that known to the world.

I really appreciate all you do, thank you,


“Dear Charlie and family,

What a wonderful message for this forgotten holiday.
I had a lot of family around and did not get to read
it until today. It isn’t too late for me to read it
and I need it today anyway.

I love all of the tips you send me as my horse is
such a constant for my life. One of Gods wonderful
creatures. Thank you for all you give to us and
our horses.

Thanks, Sue O.

“Thanks Charlie. You’ve said it right!

“Charlie I couldn’t of said it better myself. I LOVE
reading your material. I am thankful for everything
I have and for my wonderful family and friends. You
are right–this country isn’t perfect BUT nothing is
except the Lord. I have a strong faith and I love knowing
there are people like you who try and make things better
for everyone else. Keep up the GREAT work and as always
I look forward to the next email.  🙂
From my family to yours Happy Thanksgiving.  Denise”

“Happy Thanksgiving Charlie, to you and your family.
I really hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.  I
wanted to thank you for all your emails, especially
this one, I just got about Thanksgiving.  All too
often we forget the principles on which our country
was founded.  And now our government wants to take
God out of everything. If it wasn’t for God, we wouldn’t
be here.  I thank God for the time and effort you put
into your emails and all the other things you do for
people.  I’ve got your horse training methods, some of
them, anyway.  I can’t afford to buy them all, because
of being on a limited income and having to feed horses
too.  But, I want you to know, that I appreciate you emails
and hope you keep them coming.
Thank you again, Charlie for all you do and God Bless you
and your family today and everyday.

“thanks for all the training info it has been a big
help to my daughters, and hope ur holiday is full
of love and kindness”

“Thank you so much for this timely reminder.  I lost my
dear mother this summer, but thanks to the promise of
John 3:16, I know where she is, and I know I will see
her again!
Cordially,  Annie”

“Charlie: I always anticipate receiving your tips. But,
a special “Thank You” for the special messages. May you
and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving!  Ken”

“Dear Charlie,
Thank you… You have just SO made my day~
Be blessed, you and yours…
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

Here’s one that mentioned the How To Cure The Barn Sour
and Herd Bound book we sell/give away:

“Hi Charlie,
Thanks for the GREAT Thanksgiving message!!

Also, just wanted to let you know that I downloaded the book
“How to Cure A Barn Sour Or Herd Bound Horse”
I read through it all immediately and put it to work
the very next day.  I have had a mare that has made
me so angry I could have ACTUALLY SHOT HER!!
Of course I did not, but wanted very much to at times.

Anyway, I am so amazed – the book helped me SO MUCH!!!
I have FINALLY been able to “connect” with her.
I feel so Hopeful now with her.
I had lost ALL hope………
What a great book!!!!!!!
Shawn D.”


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Enjoy Freedom? Thank A Vet! (please read)

  “Enjoy Freedom?  Thank A Vet!  (please read)”

Monday, Nov. 11th is Veteran’s Day (in the USA).

[In celebration of Veteran’s Day we
   have a Very Special Discount for any order.
   See the P.S. below.]

FREEDOM isn’t free.

If you are a Vet – THANK YOU for your service
to our country!

Folks, please take time to reflect on the
sacrifices that all our Veterans, along with
their families, have made for us and much
of the world.

Many countries, besides the US, are free
because of US Veterans.  Thousands of souls have
been lost  to secure the freedom of millions
around the world.

If you know or meet anyone in any of our
armed services, please take time to thank them.

Each and every one of them deserve our thanks and
praise no matter what their duties are.  They are
all serving on our behalf.

These are brave men and women who have put
self-interests aside and fought to preserve
the freedoms we enjoy.

Many of you have heard me speak of my father.
He was raised on a dairy farm in SE Pennsylvania
and in his early years used horse-drawn
wagons to deliver the milk to the stores and
to all those on their milk route.

He has shared multiple stories about how
well trained many of their horses were to pull the
wagon, knowing where to stop on the routes and
how his Dad would fall asleep on the wagon on
the way home and the team would take him home
safely by themselves.

My father left college in his 3rd year to join the
Air Force and to fight in WWII.  Over the
years through WWII, the Berlin Airlift,
Korean War, etc. – he flew dozens of
different fighters and bombers – mostly
prop planes and some of the early jets.

When we visit the Air Force museums with all the
old planes on display he has multiple stories
to tell about many of them.  Stories from funny
to tragic and the loss of lots of lives.

It’s sobering to listen to as he details the
events from being engaged in battle.  Stories
of his friends being shot out of the sky.  Stories
of getting back alive even though your plane
is riddled with bullet holes.

Stories of thanking God for another safe
mission and getting closer to the end of the war.

Later he transitioned to the missile program and
then ended up doing planning for the deployment of
the famous SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance plane.

No other time in history would it have been
possible to go from horses to missiles and
supersonic flight.  Truly an amazing time
to be alive!

While we are living somewhat comfortable daily lives
there are thousands and thousands of men and
women putting their lives on the line for us.

All over the world – not just in the MidEast.

Thousands have been separated from their families
for 6-12 months at a time.  Both the service men
and women AND THEIR FAMILIES deserve our
highest gratitude.

All around the world – on bases, in the air,
on land, on and under the seas – they are on
their posts to preserve our freedoms.

That’s why we say “Freedom Isn’t Free”.

Our church is adjacent to Offutt Air Force Base
in Bellevue, Nebraska.  At least 1/2 of those
who attend our church are in the service.

We both honor and support the families who
attend while Moms and Dads are deployed.

Please pray for our service men and women.
They need our prayers and support in a huge
way right now.

We are in very trying times.  Many are questioning
just exactly where we are headed and what our
allegiances and priorities are.  Pray for them.

More horse tips later.  This is more important.

If you are a Vet – THANK YOU.  We appreciate
the sacrifice you and your families have made.

Lord bless all of you.

Stay safe out there.


P.S. To honor our Veterans and the family
  members of our Vets, I am having a special sale.

  Take 20% OFF ANY order.

  Simply use the coupon code VETERAN on the
  checkout page and be sure to click Apply.


Links for your reference:

Our DVDs:

The Horse Library Online (best value anywhere):

Jesse Beery Horse Training Course:

Our horse training bundles for big savings:

Beginner’s Horseback Riding Book:

Beery Pulley Bridle:

“4-H Clinic” DVD:

Kindle books (and FREE Kindle readers for PC, Mac, phones):

Our very popular Horseback Riding Beginner’s Guide


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