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Tag Archives: Jesse Beery Horse Training
You Can’t Blame It On The Horse (All The Time)
Mitch recently sent this to us: ————————————————– “Charlie, I just wanted to let you know, I get a lot of horse emails. Most of them I delete. I really look forward to yours though and keep them in a folder … Continue reading
Thanksgiving Blessings! (and a special)
1. Thanksgiving Blessings! 2. Thanksgiving Special —————————————————- 1. Thanksgiving Blessings! It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is here in the US! I want to take a moment to express my thankfulness for so many things including this great country, the freedoms … Continue reading
Is Your Horse’s Brain Misfiring?
“Is Your Horse’s Brain Misfiring?” —————————————————- First – I hope you had a chance to see the Jesse Beery special on the Rick Lamb show. I am always amazed at the understanding, experience and methods Beery had developed working with … Continue reading