Do You Know Annie Oakley’s Secret?

  “Do You Know Annie Oakley’s Secret?”

Annie Oakley

Annie was a female sharpshooter back  in the horse ‘n buggy days.

To prove her sharpshooting ability,
she once had 5,000 pennies tossed into
the air, one right after the other.

She hit…      “4,777 of them!”

That’s an astounding 95.5%

Was she a natural?


But even a natural has to practice.

Doing something over and over can only
get you better at it.

The Secret of Repetition:

And that, my friend, is a BIG horse
training principle.

If you want your horse to do something,
it has to be explained to him…day after day.

At first, he won’t likely get it.

In fact, as he attempts what you’re
asking, it won’t be purty.

He may be a little clumsy doing it.

But you keep at it remembering that
you must explain it to your horse day
after day after day.

Don’t kick yourself if your horse doesn’t
master something right away.

It’s not your fault.  It’s normal.

He’ll get better and better as long
as the habit you’re teaching him is the
one you want him learning.

You Must Be Consistent:

That’s one place the consistency
factor comes in.

Consistently, you explain to horse
what you want him to do…day after day.

And you know what one of the best things
you should explain to your horse is?

Explaining to him how to move his

By parts I mean his body.

You see, if you divide your horse into
4 parts you would have the head and neck, the
shoulders, the barrel (rib cage), and the hindquarters.

Why divide them up like that?

Because you need a way to make it easiest for
the horse to understand what you’re asking him.

If you asked him to move all the parts
at once, he wouldn’t get it.

You and he would get frustrated and it
just wouldn’t work.

But start with a body part and just work on that
and you have a formula for success.

Now why do you want to teach him move
his body parts?

Because that’s how you get your horse
to move his whole body later.

Just think.

You touch your leg toward his flank
and immediately his hind end moves away. And that can
be done while you do a little neck reining.

You use your other leg and bump him
by the shoulder and moves his body around.

If you’ve ever ridden a horse that responds like
what I’m describing, you would settle for nothing less.

It’s exhilarating to ride (and own) a
horse that responds like that.

The Genius of Sam Burrell:

One of the best ways I’ve EVER seen
to teach this to a horse is using Sam Burrell’s

“How To Install An Operating System In Your Horse”

You can see more about it by clicking
on the following:

Even Sam would tell you that he went
for years training horses without knowing this.

And when he discovered it, everything
changed for him.

Sam told me when he discovered this he
remembered a saying from famous horseman
Ray Hunt who said:

“The first thing you need to know
is the last thing you’ll find out”

This may not be the absolute
first thing you should know,
but it’s definitely in the top 5.

If you have Sam’s DVD, I implore you
to watch it again and do this with your horse.

You will be shocked how responsive
your horse becomes.

He’ll listen better too.

Be more respectful.

And best of all, you’ll have more
fun with him and he’ll be so much safer.

OK – that’s it for today.  Stay safe around your horses.


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