Do You Suffer From “Horse Training Information Overload”?

Do You Suffer From “Horse Training Information Overload”?

I received a letter from one of my readers (I’ll call her Jill)
who has been on my email list for over a year.  She has
issues with her horses while riding outside of the round pen.
Jill is fairly new to horses and is still trying to figure things out.

Jill has spent tons of money on clinics, DVD sets by big
name trainers, books, etc.  I don’t know the actual amounts but
knowing the prices some of these folks charge I’d guess
it would be in the thousands by now.

In fact, she mentioned that she’s thinking all this horse
training stuff is a scam.  [It’s sorry, but there are some
pretty low-life characters in every profession.]

Jill’s issue?  What makes our DVDs and Jesse Beery products
that we sell any different than what she already has sitting
on the shelf?    She’s frustrated.  She hasn’t achieved the results she
wanted so far even though she has tons of good (and some
not so good) products and attended some big name clinics.

What Jill really wants is a product that will solve all
her issues that happen with her horse while she’s riding.

She wanted to know specifically about the Jesse Beery course
and our other professional trainers featured on our DVDs.

Want to know what I told her?

“Don’t Buy Our Products”

As a company that sells horse training products and
is the primary income that feeds our family and pays the
mortgage…well, you might think I’d say something else.

I could have – but I think I’d be doing Jill a disservice
by doing so.  You reap what you sow.  It’s a principle
we live by.

I don’t doubt for a minute that if Jill sent the same letter
to some of the big names selling the $1,000 + DVD sets, that
they’d suggest she buy their products.

But I think Jill already has all the information she needs.

You see, I think that Jill’s problem is lack of
focus and understanding.  In reality, the real issue is:

“Information Overload”

It is so easy today to buy books, DVDs, courses, go to
clinics, etc…..all while lacking focus.

We tend to jump from one thing to the next hoping the
magic bullet will appear.  But it doesn’t.

[You’ve heard me say this dozens of times: Horse
training takes lots of time and patience.  You MUST
understand how a horse thinks and how he learns before you
can adequately train him.]

At times we read about some special way of doing things, or
someone puts a spin on something that was real common
years ago but calls it something else now.  So, we drop
what have only to run over to get this neat, new thing.

Sound familiar?  I must tell you, I’m just as guilty as
anyone else in one of my interests.  I can spot it ‘cuz
I live it.  We can get distracted too easily.

So, that’s why I told Jill to put everything on her
shelf except a specific trainer’s stuff.  Take that
one thing, study it intently, and then go apply only
his methods to her horse.

Focus.  Understand what the trainer was saying and why.
Understand why he is teaching the horse in a specific way
due to the way the horse learns.  Understand the nature
of the horse and then go teach.

Train the trainer first.  Stay focused.  Work on one
thing at a time.

I’m anxious to hear back from her to see how it goes.

Don’t get me wrong – I think diversity in training
and learning various methods from proven, professional
trainers is good.  In fact, it’s frequently needed since
not all horses respond to the same training methods
as others.  Some horses have different dispositions –
just like my 5 kids.  What works on one may be less
effective on another.

So we go into our horse training bag-o-tricks and
try something else.  But we have to have a clear,
solid foundation built first.

The foundational stuff, especially for someone
who is green and just starting out, is important.
In that case, learning from a multitude of trainers
can be confusing and you find yourself bouncing
around like a pinball looking for an out.

So, did I do the right thing?  Perhaps I should have
sold Jill the books and DVDs and let her continue in
a state of confusion.  She’s read my free training email
tips for over a year so she probably has some level of
trust built up based on what I’ve written.

But, I couldn’t do it.  I want to sleep at night.  I want
to do the right thing.  We didn’t build our business
on the practice of selling something to folks that they
didn’t need or that might hinder their training efforts.

It’s like our Pulley Bridle.  We’ve had lots of questions
from folks who ask if it will help them with their horse
that has a an issue with _____.  Many times we’ve had to say
NO – sorry.  It’s only meant for ______.  It’s not a
bridle to be used while riding.  It’s only meant to be
used from the ground.  But it’s very effective for the
things it is designed for.

Some companies would sell it to them anyway.  And then
wonder why they don’t have many repeat customers.

OK – I’m rambling.


   If you have a shelf full of tapes, DVDs and books
and still aren’t sure what to do, the please skip
over this next section.  It’s not for you.

I’m going to do something simple.  I’ll only let two
of these bundles be sold.  If you’re the third person
to purchase before we can change the offer then we’ll
cancel the order and issue a refund.

We sell a complete collection of ALL our DVDs.  It is
titled, “The Entire Horse Training DVD Library”.

Catchy title, eh?  I named it myself ;>)

   Anyway, if you are one of the two folks who buy this
26 DVD set, we’ll include a one-year subscription to
The Horse Library (normally $198 for the year).

You can see the Entire DVD Library here:

Entire DVD Library

You can read about The Horse Library here:

The Horse Library

If you’re one of the first two, you’ll get it all.  Note
The Horse Library includes all our books, including the
Jesse Beery books and audio books, dozens of articles,
other audio books, old-time Western movies, etc.

It not for everyone, but for those who can afford
it, it’s an excellent investment in furthering your
horse training understanding and skills.

But please, do me a favor.  Don’t buy it if your
shelf is already full of other trainer’s stuff.  Maybe
you should dust off some of those other books and DVDs
you already have and go through them again.

If you can share our DVDs with others and help others
along the way then this is a great way to justify
this set.

Entire DVD Library

Now – go do the right thing.  But please do it safely!


P.S.  The Sue Robertson Trick Training DVD is on sale for
$20.00 off and you can buy the Trick Training DVD along
with the Jesse Beery course (book 8 is all about teaching
tricks) for only $99.00.  But this special ends Monday

See the DVD (and the bundle) here:

Sue Robertson Trick Training DVD

An email from Mare:


“You have helped me in more ways than one.
I can’t thank you enough.

Thank you…. Mare”


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