Horse Training Tips: Horse Training Starts With You
Do you have things you need to work on with
your horses? (who doesn’t?)
Training horses starts first with the trainer. Unless
you are already experienced and know what to do, you’ll
need to learn some handling and training skills prior to
understanding and teaching your horse anything. This
winter time is an excellent time to do that.
Understand The Mind of the Horse:
Ask any experienced horse trainer and they’ll tell you
the one most-important secret in their bag of tricks
is understanding the mind of the horse. If you can
understand how the mind of a horse works, how they learn,
and how they will react to a given situation, then you
can quickly determine how best to train and shape your
horse’s brain to perform as you want.
No one understood this better than Prof. Jesse Beery.
Beery’s course has been so successful over the years
because he teaches you these secrets. Even though the
course was written over 100 years ago and even though
some don’t agree with him at times, his methods do work,
are humane and, if you take the time to understand the “WHY”
of what he does in his training methods, then you, too, will
become a much better horse handler and trainer yourself.
You can see Jesse Beery’s course here:
Couple his course with the professional techniques and
expertise of the trainers we offer through our DVDs, and
you have the basis for building a huge arsenal of horse
training bag of tricks of your own that will last you
a lifetime.
You can see all our professional training DVDs here:
Proven Methods and Repetition – The Key To Success:
I would challenge you to do this: whether it is a DVD
you already purchased or one you get in the near future,
re-play that DVD 2 or 3 times and take notes. Don’t simply
watch it as if you were being entertained by a movie. But
rather be mindful of what the trainer is teaching and why
he/she is using the methods they are. I assure you, there
are many, many “gems” of knowledge to pick up in each DVD
and some may be so subtle that you don’t even realize it.
Listen to what they say as well as what they do. It’s like
when I would listen to my grandfather, and in later years,
my father, as they talked about something. They said so many
things that were priceless but I often missed it until they
said it 2 or 3 times or replayed their words in my mind.
Listen and watch actively – as if your training and horse
depended on it. I guarantee you – you will be enriched as
you strive to learn the tips, secrets and methods these
trainers are teaching.
Prioritize your horse problem areas, pick the top one,
learn through our books and DVDs and make a plan on how
you want to approach the training. You’ll be amazed at
how you make progress if you focus on one thing at a
You will have clarity of purpose and your horse will
appreciate it more and not be so confused. Don’t
go onto new things until you are satisfied with the
result from the first problem. Then check that one
off and go on to the next thing.
In 30 days you’ll be amazed at the progress.
Try it – commit to it. You’ll start enjoying your
horses a lot more.
No go out and do it. But please do it all safely.
2. Old Horse Movies Website Up and Running!
Yesterday we finished our new website launch of:
Thanks to all of you who signed up.
Our launch was to run Monday and Tuesday only but
we had to delay opening the doors until Monday afternoon.
ALSO – I had a couple folks who asked if they could send
a check instead of signing up online.
The answer is yes. You can mail your check or money
order to us and still get the special pricing if you
do it today. We’ll send you your login information
and the links to the bonus books as soon as your
check arrives.
Mail the checks to:
Horse Training Resources
Attn: Charlie
12702 S 124th Ave
Papillion, NE 68046
Be sure to include your email address with a note
for what the check is for.
Here’s the link to sign up now: