Why Horse Training Isn’t All That ‘Purty’ + “Financial Hard Times”

1. Why Horse Training Isn’t All That ‘Purty’

2. Making Ends Meet During Hard Times


1. Why Horse Training Isn’t All That ‘Purty’

A lot of people are blown away when
they see a horse do a nice spin, flying lead
changes, etc.

Fact is, that stuff is real purty.

But what isn’t purty is teaching it.  Some
even call it “ugly horse training.”

Training a horse, as fun and rewarding
as it is, is not usually all that purty.

When you’re teaching a horse something
new, they flat don’t know how to do it.

At the beginning stages, they’re
learning how to carry us.

That means their lopes, starts, stops,
and more will typically be rough – not perfect.

In fact, far from perfect.

Why is this?

Because they’re figuring out how to move
their hip and feet forward and keep their head

If you think about it though, it makes
perfect sense.

It’s no different than us humans learning
to play an instrument.

The initial learning ain’t purty at all.

But, with practice and patience, slowly
it becomes beautiful.

Yet, we often forget that the horse has
to learn and practice too.

Too often, patience is lost with the
horse when a little understanding will show the
handler that the horse’s learning and perfecting
ability is similar to a human’s.

Plus, there’s another challenge that can
sneak up while training your horse to new things.

What is it?

The horse will go from listening to you to
losing attention on something else – just like a kid.

That’s pretty easy to solve.

Danie and Doug Hewlett reveal
their simple solution to this.

The solution?

Try to get them listening to you with the
least amount of pressure.

That could be a leg, a bump with the bit,
or you can get creative.

Just remember, when you lose your horse’s
attention it is NOT a major crime.

Therefore, it should not carry a huge

A major crime would be kicking at you or

Losing attention only requires a simple,
“Hey!  I’m talking to you.”

Just the littlest thing to get his brain
back to you.

These are some of the words of wisdom spoken
by the Hewletts in their 2 disc set of DVD’s.

If you want to know more about them, click
the following:

Get Your Hewlett Video on Reining HERE

One more thing.

Doug Hewlett points out how the horse
he rides gets a little rude now and then.

Often, riders don’t know their horse is
being rude and therefore don’t put a stop to it.

With no stop put to it, a problem grows
over time and you don’t even know where it came

As a for instance, if you’re standing
next to your horse and he rubs his nose on you
and you move away from him….guess what just
happened in your horse’s mind?

He just learned he can move you around.

If that continues, he’ll learn to do
more of it.

The thing to do is to move him after he
nudges you.

That’ll send the message:  You are NOT
allowed to do that!

Problem is nipped in the bud and will
not continue as long as is handled in that

Cool beans, huh?

Get Your Hewlett Video on Reining HERE


2. Making Ends Meet During Hard Times

WARNING: This is not horse related.  It is something
I have for all my readers as a special offering.
[Please feel free to skip past this section.]

I normally wouldn’t even consider offering something like
this to a loyal readership of horse lovers.  Please hang in
there with me for just a minute….

Over the last 3 years, as I was getting our website
started and online, I have been introduced to lots
of other business owners who have been doing the
same thing.  Most were not in the horse
training or horseback riding market at all.

One of these friends ran across a series of books that
were perfect for today’s economic environment.  They are
a set of 6 books that cover the following subjects:

1. How to Prosper During Bad Times
2. Household Budgeting
3. Improving Your Credit Score
4. Getting Yourself Organized
5. The Secrets of Credit
6. How To Sell Your House Without an Agent

I looked at them and most of these have lots of excellent
ideas and wisdom.  The majority of the sections in each
are written very well.

I thought perhaps many on my horse training magazine
list might also find a lot of value in them – but only
if I could somehow arrange a deal to get them to you
at a very low price – like below $10.00.

So I contacted the publisher and explained my
situation and “negotiated aggressively” (some call
it arm twisting!).

My reasoning was this – if I can offer these at
a low enough price so that almost anyone could
afford them, then my hope is that LOTS of folks
would pick them up and benefit from them.

I guess we’ll see ’cause here’s the deal:

All 6 books are bundled together for a single price.

There are 3 prices

1. $7.77 – if you’ve never bought anything from us
before this is your price.

2. $5.00 – if you are a past customer who has purchased
anything – then this is your price.

3. Free – this is where my heart is on this.

If you are down and out and simply don’t have
two nickels to rub together, deep in debt or could
use these and can’t pay for them then contact me
and I’ll arrange for you to get these.  I’ve been there!

My hope is that enough folks will be able to spend
the $5.00 or $7.77 to cover my costs and perhaps
get these into the hands of others that need it.

I can offer these at this price as Adobe PDF downloads
only and have no plans to offer printed versions now
or in the future.

If you know of others that could use use these then
why not get a set for them to help them out?

If you, or someone you know, use only one or two
ideas or money-saving methods it could mean a huge difference.

Here’s the link:

Making Ends Meet During Hard Times

Thanks for letting me bring this to your attention for
the benefit of many.


That’s it for today… stay safe around your horses!


P.S.  Watch you emails for some exciting news later in the
week.  We’ve been working like busy beavers for weeks preparing

Don’t continue to put up with your horse not
doing what you ask.

Take each problem area and figure out how
to solve it.

Between the Jesse Beery course and the
Pulley Bridle, there’s just no excuse for not
fixing all those peskly problems!



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