Giving To The Bit When In The Saddle

“Giving To The Bit When In The Saddle”

Horse owners often have trouble with
their horse giving to the bit when in the

Here’s a good technique to use now
and then.

As you’re sitting in the saddle, pull
the rein back a bit to the fork of the saddle.

Then hold it there.

Just hold it.

Don’t pull more.

Don’t release. (yet)

If your horse needs to improve on
giving to the bit, your horse may push on
it at first.

Understand that it’s okay if he does.


Because any pressure the horse puts on
the bit is pressure “HE” did.

But as soon as he gives, let go of the

It’s cheating to lift up the reins every
time they give.

Don’t keep taking his head.

While you’re holding that rein against
your saddle fork your horse will either give or
try to take away his face.

It’s him that does it.

You are giving them a simple problem to
figure out.

The problem is when they push on the bit
it’s uncomfortable.

Then he has to figure out if he should
push more to make it stop….


he has to figure out that if he “doesn’t”
push on the bit, the discomfort goes away.

And THAT’S what you want him to figure out.

You see, if you keep pulling on the bit after
he gives (it’s called cheating), then he’ll not learn
there’s any relief after he gives.

This is how Linda Braddy explains it in her
DVD.  And if you want to read about her,
click on the following:

Think about it.

There are only two places a horse can move
when bit pressure is applied.

He can push on it.

Or he can NOT push on it.

Why would he push on it?

Answer:  Why Not?

Heck, he’s just trying to be comfortable.

It’s natural for him to push on it because
it’s an instinctual thing. He’s just tryin’ to push
it away so he can get comfortable.

That’s all.

He just hasn’t learned that to NOT push
on it is the key to comfort.

So if you hold your hand steady on that
saddle fork and wait for him to give, that’ll help
you teach him to give.

Just remember not to cheat and keep taking
his face because he won’t know that giving his face
creates relief for him.

OK – go forth, work with your horses..but stay safe!


P.S. If you haven’t seen it yet – we have a small supply
of Beery 4-Way Bits in stock.  Get yours while you can:

P.P.S. We also reconfigured some of our bundles to
include the 4-Way Bit:

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