Horse Training Tips: It’s the Little Things

“It’s the Little Things”

Willard Marriott once said,

“It’s the little things that
make the big things possible.
Only close attention to the
fine details of any operation
makes the operation first class.”

How true it is.

Marriott, as you likely know, was the
guy who created all those hotels known as the
Marriott Hotels.

And what Marriott said about paying
attention to details applies to everything
in life…even us horse owners.

Paying attention to details with your
horse creates a magnificent horse….if you
know what to look for.

For instance, when riding a horse and
his head raises, he slows down, and he’s looking
a certain direction,…something is happening
in his mind.

That something is likely that he is
being inspired with fear.

The first sign I gave you…”his head
raises”…is one of those “little things” to
be aware of.


Well, knowing your horse is spooking
then you can help him through it.  What’s more,
knowing he’s fearing something, you’ll be
careful not to “push” him too hard to suffer
through his fear and make it worse.

If you push too hard then the horse
could be overcome with fear.  He may then rear up
or worse….take off running and you can’t stop
him.  That’s a bad place to be when those fence
posts are whizzing by you.

But knowing the “little things” you
could have prevented the mishaps.  Knowing
the little things, you could make him “whoa”
at will instead of bolting out of control.

Not knowing the “little things” you
could also inadvertently create a second fear
in him.

For instance, if the horse spooked at
an object…and he got punished for not moving
(ie. spurred in the ribs and chastised) then the
next time he sees that object or one like it, he’ll
fear the object and fear being punished.

Pretty soon, his mind is controlled with
fear and he won’t even know you are on his back
asking him to do something.  His instincts will
take over and he’ll do whatever he needs to do
to protect himself…unless you know what to do.

Knowing what to do is one of those

“little things”.

To load a horse in a trailer the big secret
is teaching him to move forward.  That’s knowing one
of the “little things”.

To teach a horse respect, making the horse
move is a big secret – it’s one of the “little things”.

In truth, knowing a lot of “little things” is
the secret to seeing the big picture.

Knowing how your horse thinks, why he does what
he does, what his instincts tell him and why, etc.,
etc., etc.,…is knowing a lot of the little things.

We filmed Brad Meyers, one of our featured trainers,
who has an excellent message abou the “Little Things”.

His DVD is titled:

“How To Eliminate And Prevent Deadly
Horse Riding Accidents Using
The Power Of The Little Things!”

Brad is a very gifted trainer that can
communicate well.

He grandfather was a legendary horseman and blacksmith.
Brad has also worked with a number of the famous people
in the horse world such as Buck Brannaman, Marty Marten,
Kathy McClarrinon, and Craig Cameron.

Read more about Brad by clicking the link below:

Get Your Own Brad Meyers LITTLE THINGS DVD

Brad shows you many, many valuable tips that
will make your handling, training and riding
much more enjoyable.

Brad is becoming rapidly famous for his well-known
horsemanship clinics called “Wisdom of the Horse”
which shows us humans what the horse can teach us
about ourselves and about our lives.

Filming Brad was an extraordinary opportunity
because his information is astonishing and effective.

Get Your Own Brad Meyers LITTLE THINGS DVD

Ok…that’s it.  have a great weekend.  Stay safe out there!


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