Prof Jesse Beery – Just Who Was He?

Prof Jesse Beery – Just Who Was He?  Why do we care?

I have to catch myself sometime.  I talk about Prof. Jesse Beery all
the time and forget that many new folks here have never heard
of him or are aware of his history and acclaimed abilities.

Let me briefly introduce him to you:

Jesse Beery was an amazing MASTER at fixing problem horses.
He actually started as young boy working with horses and studied
them all the time.  Even as a young man he started noticing how
certain horses had different dispositions and started handling
each type a little differently.  He later developed a classification
system for these dispositions.

Over the years he handled hundreds of horses and developed simple
methods to handle almost any kind of problem.

He traveled around the country fixing the biggest problem horses
in the community he was visiting.  He did all this in front
of crowds and showed his methods.

You can imagine how word would get around about this man and his
training knowledge and ability.

He also was very well known as a colt starter.

He later developed his 8 volume course and started selling it
as a home-study mail order course.  It sold by the thousands.

He then started the Beery School of Horsemanship in Ohio and
trained thousands more that way as well.  He also later
developed courses on the saddle horse, animal breeding,
and even some dog training at one point.

At last count many years ago, there was a published number of
over 300,000 people who had successfully used Beery’s horse
training course.  That number is staggering.

That would make Beery’s course the most successful horse training
course in history.

The “8 volume Beery Illustrated Course in Horse Training” has long
been out of print but we secured the reprint rights for it and
spent hundreds of dollars to have it professionally converted
(re-typed and scanned the original illustrations) to a new
book form.  We sell it both as a printed book and as digital downloads.

Know what?  Beery originally sold this 8 Volume course for
about $34.00 back in the early 1900’s!  That was A LOT of
money back then!

How much would that be today?  Hundreds.

You can now buy the new form of the book as a spiral bound manual
(with or without the audio book version, too) for quite a bit
less than $100.00.

And – if you buy before Monday Evening – you can get 15% off as well.

You can read a lot more about Prof. Beery and his course here:

Prof. Jesse Beery
Some folks suggest that training methods developed over 100
years ago are “out of date”.  HA!  I just have to laugh.

Comments like this typically comes from someone who doesn’t
know horses very well and hasn’t handled or trained them before.

You see – the truth is that horses haven’t changed.  Their
ability to learn isn’t any different today than it was 100,
500, or 5,000 years ago.

Anyway… I digress.
Here’s the bottom line:

Beery’s methods work just as well today as they did then and
he presents them in an easy to use form.  Anyone who reads
the books and diligently tries them on their horse will succeed.

But success isn’t without work.  Heck – few things are.
Get the course, read it, and apply the methods to fix your
main training problems.  See if it doesn’t work for you.

Read the testimonials from just a few of the folks that wrote
in.  I have dozens more.  It will work for you, too.

If your horse is in need of some work, if he’s getting
dangerous or has you fearful then now is the time to start
fixing these problems. Here’s the link one more time…

Prof. Jesse Beery

All the best with your horses…  work and ride ’em safely.


P.S. Rearing, biting, can’t pick up their feet, bucking, kicking,
won’t take a bridle, and on and on it goes…all common problems
with horses that need fixing.

Prof. Jesse Beery covers all these, and dozens of other bad behaviors,
with proven, successful methods.

Start today.  Learn the same methods thousands of others have alredy
used and tested.  The sense of accomplishment and the confidence you’ll
build in both you and your horse will be worth it all.

Today is the LAST Day to get in on the Beery special discount.

Use the coupon code BEERY20 and take 20% off any Beery product
or any of our bundles.  Enter the coupon code on the checkout
form and be sure to click Apply.

More notes from our readers.  This one from KB:



“Greetings. Hope you and your family had an excellent 4th!

I’m in process of cleaning out my email box and have been
going through each of your emails, one by one (I save them ALL).

Just wanted to say a BIG thank you and God bless for all you do.
Thanks and have a super day,


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