Why Horses Learn The Wrong Thing

“Why Horses Learn The Wrong Thing”

There’s an old saying that goes:

‘If you want to know the value
of a 1/100th of a second, just
ask a Silver Medalist’


Timing is critical in horse training too.

Mess up your timing and you horse may learn the wrong thing.

You see, because a horse learns from the release, the release
must be timed with what you’re asking your horse to do.

If you ask Mr. Horse to step his back
leg in front of his other back leg as he disen- gages,
then when he does it…

‘Quit Asking’

Take off the pressure of asking him
to move immediately.

When he moves, just chill out for few moments.

Leave him alone and let him process what just happened.

That gets him thinkin’.

What is he thinking about?

In his own little horsey way he’s kinda askin’ himself,
‘What did I do to get him to leave me alone?’

You know what that’s called?

That’s called ‘Getting your horse to
give you the right answer.’

And you don’t stop the pressure unless
and until he gives you the right answer.

Because if he doesn’t give you the
answer you want, yet you release the pressure, he will
learn the wrong answer.

And that, my friend, is often why horses don’t
learn the right thing to do.

This is a basic yet very powerful horse training principle.

Linda Braddy, teaches this (and lots of other cool stuff)
in her video.  You can see more about it by clicking
on the following:

   Get Your Linda Braddy DVD HERE

She goes on to teach that you must have it clear in
your mind what you want from your horse.

It’s at this point you do NOT want to
be wishy washy about what you’re asking from him.

Thus, if you want him moving his feet, then specifically
‘how’ do you want him to move his feet?

See it in your mind and then get him to do it.

And don’t stop asking unless and until he gives
you the right answer.

   Get Your Linda Braddy DVD HERE

Ok…  that’s it for today.  Stay safe with your horses!


P.S. Are you trying to rid your horse of bad habits?  Or
starting a new colt?  Or just need to get better control of your horses?

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If you want to better understand your horse, take control and
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get started now.

There’s no better feeling than getting to the point where your
horse looks to YOU for his direction and action rather than
you trying to overcome the bad habits he is displaying!

Read More About Jesse Berry Course in Horse Training

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