Dream Horse or Bad Dream? And What is 39 27 32?

1. “Dream Horse or Bad Dream?”

2. What Is 39 27 32?

1. “Dream Horse or Bad Dream?”

Remember when you used to dream of having the perfect horse and only wanted to enjoy him?

Maybe it was just working around the stable, grooming, or doing some groundwork.  Or perhaps you dreamed of taking fun, leisurely rides on the
trail or through the countryside.

You’re not alone – millions dream that way and hope to be there some day.  Some are living that dream today.  For a large majority, though, it isn’t
working out quite like they had hoped.

For whatever reason – whether it is time or lack of experience – you could be improving your experience and enjoying your horse a lot more
if you would take just a little time to learn a bit more.

I have “preached” for years about how anyone’s problems with their horses could improve within weeks if they’d just make a simple plan.

Here’s a solid way to success with your horses:

1. List the top 3 or 4 things you know you have to work on with your horse.  Whatever bad habits or issues you know you have with him.  Maybe
it’s turning, stopping, yielding to pressure, disrespect, or a dozen other things.

2. Take only the TOP thing and work on that.  Make a simple plan, dedicate the time, and don’t work on anything else except that ONE thing.

Chances are you’ll need some help figuring out how to fix it.  That’s the primary reason we offer so many different DVDs by professional trainers to help you through these issues.

3. Only when you and your horse are ready, go on to the next one, then the next one…   (wash, rinse, repeat)

The critical thing is to only work on and fix one thing at a time.  Otherwise you’ll confuse your horse.

Be sure to love on and praise your horse when he even starts to give you the right response.  Make sure he knows right away he’s doing something right.

And remember, it takes many repetitions to teach right habits.

NEVER encourage the wrong response or it will become a bad habit.

Seriously, you CAN do it.  Even if you’re about to throw in the towel and are so frustrated with what has transpired with your horses.  Just take it a
step at a time and don’t let your horse sense your frustration – but rather, let him sense your determination to work through it.  When you aren’t concerned with a dozen other things you can focus on that one thing.

Horses pick up on your emotions more than you might think.


Our professional trainers can help.  Look over the DVDs we offer.  Also – one BIG thing to watch for:

Watch the mannerisms of the trainer – their voice inflections, their body language.  Observe their confidence and how that affects the horse during the training.

Then – go and do likewise!  But please, do it all safely.


To your success,



2. What Is 39 27 32?

It’s My Anniversary Sale!

27 years ago I walked the aisle with Allyson.

5 kids, lots of great memories and a few trials later, here we are.  We have only two kids left at home (full time that is- if you have young 20+
year olds you’ll understand that).

Ya know, through the differences and the ups and downs, I can honestly say that I couldn’t have found a better help mate or someone who is as dedicated to the family as her.  I’ve written much about her before so will spare you this time.

Except for this: Allyson completes me.  She enables me to do what I do best.  She’s a committed Christian, a loving wife, a mother of 5, a home school mom and helps with the business.

Combined, that makes her amazing. ’nuff said.

So Charlie, what is the 39 27 32?   Thought you’d never ask!

And no, it has nothing to do with her physical attributes!

Let’s take 27 first.  If you haven’t figured out that by now – it’s 27 years of marriage.

So it’s only fitting to use 27% as a discount for ANY DVD we have on our website.

39?  That’s the typical price of most of our single DVDs that we offer.  Select whatever DVDs you want and you’ll see the price.

And finally 32?  When you order two or more DVDs you get an ADDITIONAL 5% OFF.

How did I get 32%  Well, it’s 27 years + 5 kids = 32.   Pretty creative, uh?  OK, OK….

So let me recap how you can take advantage of this Anniversary Sale:

Go to the Videos/DVD part of our website here:


You can click on and read through the descriptions of each of our professional trainers.  Then select “Add to Cart” for the ones you want.  Each of them will be put into the shopping cart.

Then, to get your appropriate discount use these coupon codes:

A27 – for one DVD selection this will give you 27% OFF

A32 – If you select 2 or more DVDs this coupon code will get you 32% OFF as many as you have in your cart.


OK?  It’s simple.  Just enter A27 or A32 in the Coupon Code box on the checkout form and be sure to click Apply.

And that, my friends, is how you help us celebrate our Anniversary!  Thanks for joining in.  And, thanks for your business.

Allyson and I will spend part of a day away from the kids to enjoy some time together, have a nice dinner and all.  These times alone are too rare
but much appreciated.

— Charlie


P.S. By the way –
this Anniversary sale is only for those who get my horse tips emails.  You will NOT see these coupon codes on the website anywhere.

And – this sale positively ends Saturday, July 23rd.

P.P.S.  Use these two coupons codes:

A27 – and get 27% OFF any one DVD selection.

A32 – and get 32% OFF any two or more DVDs.




Kim H. sent a comment regarding my email tip:

“What Your Horse ‘Really’ Thinks Of You”


“Hi Charlie,

Just had to comment on this one because I spent years
ignorantly doing all the wrong things…allowing my
horse to get in my space, eating out of my hand, and
giving lots of treats.

I got away with it MOST of the time but definitely had
problems I didn’t realize I had created.

I now have a 4 year old who I have been with since he
was foaled from our mare.  I learned EARLY to not let
him get in my space…He’s  always been a “Will Rogers”
of  horses: never met anyone he didn’t like and I spent
so much time with him, he thought I was his playmate
and ran up to me one day when he was about 3 months
old & rared up!!   That taught me a big lesson..

I also used to give our horses treats all the time.
They learn that quickly & come to expect them & often
act up if you don’t give them.  So now I give them
rarely enough that they never expect and always give
them  BEFORE I go trail riding so they won’t be in a
hurry to get back to the barn for a treat.  I don’t
even let them eat grass when I’m holding their lead
ropes anymore.  It has made a huge difference in the
way they regard me.

Sincerely,   Kim H.”


Folks – Unless you have the respect of your horse and
maintain control you are in danger.  You just never know
when your horse will crowd you, bite you, kick, strike
or even run over you.  And it all starts by you letting
them get away with the little things.

Please don’t take chances and become another statistic.


If you didn’t see it, you can read the horse tip
Kim is referring to here:


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