Is Your Honeymoon Over With Your Horse?

“Is Your Honeymoon Over With Your Horse?”

Are you getting disillusioned with your love  for your horse?

Woman with horse

Things not progressing like you had hoped?

You probably didn’t start this horse-crazed hobby with  all the knowledge you needed to be successful.

Just like we can find a mate and fall in love, many do that  with their horses, too.  We see those big eyes staring back  at us, see that majestic animal in the pen or out in the  pasture and immediately fall in love.  We start dreaming  of trail riding or showing or just wanting to be around  this new love and start a new relationship with all  the giddiness of your first kiss…

Some go ga-ga and don’t have a clue what  they’re getting into.

You’ve Been Bit By The Horse Lovin’ Bug:

It happens every day to hundreds of new horse lovers.

Then, reality sets in and we have to start training  or fixing problems.  Perhaps that new love has some  quirks – he bites, kicks, rears or bucks.  He won’t  come to you and you can’t catch him in the pasture.
He won’t let you pick up his feet or he won’t stand  to let you groom him or put on his saddle.

It Starts To Get Frustrating:

He won’t walk, turn or stop right.  You jerk, kick,  pull, scream and get frustrated.  Now the horse is even  more confused and doesn’t have a clue what you want  because you haven’t learned enough to know how to  get him to move properly.

Sound familiar to some of you?

The Horse Gets Frustrated With You:

Then the horse gets frustrated with you and all your  pulling and negative tone in your voice.

At some point he wants to get rid of all this  pressure (horses will push against or flee pressure).

And how does he do that?  By rearing or bucking  you off.  Or perhaps taking off on a run as you  hold on for dear life.

That’s his defensive action.  Yo don’t want to take  a horse to that point if you can help it!

CSI – The Horse Pen:

What just happened is natural for the horse but your  lack of understanding and training sees this as  a “bad horse”.

Sound familiar?  Ever seen this before?

Are you living with some of those issues right now?

Who’s Issue Is This?

Sometimes we have to come to the realization that the  problem is with us, not the horse.  Gulp!

Anything worth doing is worth doing right.  If you don’t  have control of your horse then you’re skirting danger.

I know this – a 1,000+ pound horse which has lightning-fast  reactions and enormous strength is a time bomb waiting to  go off, even with a trained handler or rider.

Do me and yourself a favor right now – if you’re not  willing to learn how to handle that horse correctly  and safely, and train him so it’s safe to ride, then  please get rid of him.  Don’t put yourself and others  in harm’s way.  Statistics show that you’ll get hurt  and many times it will lead to broken bones, concussions,  or worse.

That may sound harsh but it happens way too often.  If  I’m the first one to tell it to you that way and it  keeps you, others or even your horse from getting hurt,  then I’ll do it.

It’s sort of like the new couple who are blinded by love  and don’t see the train wreck coming in their lives.
(My wife and I see this frequently – we do a lot of
pre marriage counseling in our church)

Get Help and Learn:

Seek out those more experienced and trusted who have  proven themselves and listen to them.

However – beware!  There are some that want to sell  you a magic potion that would solve all your horse  problems in a few days. Run from them.  Seek other help.
Experience and insight take time to learn.  It’s  true with almost any skill.

Horse training is no different.

A Horse Training Truth:

Here’s a huge truth about horse training that you  need to understand:

The majority of the problem is with the trainer and not the  horse.  Until the one doing the training understands  how horses learn and know how to get the horse to start  properly acting on the commands over and over each time  when asked, then nothing good is going to come  out of the training attempts.

You MUST understand the nature of the horse, how his  brain works and how he learns.

Know this: the horse already has the ability to do  all the basic stuff you want it to do.  It’s up to  the trainer to teach the horse each command and act  on it properly in a controlled fashion.

Let me state that again so it sinks in:

“The horse already has the ability to do  all the basic stuff you want it to do.  It’s up to  the trainer to teach the horse each command and act  on it properly in a controlled fashion.”

So, how do you get there you ask?

You study, you watch others do it successfully and  learn along the way.  It doesn’t happen over night.

Tell me ANY valuable skill or trade you have learned  that didn’t take quite a while to learn and master.

We have assembled various resources to help you and we  have never sugar-coated or “hyped” the results attempting  to get you to do otherwise.  We wouldn’t be in business  long if we did.

Solutions To Problems:

Our 8 Volume Jesse Beery Course is one of the standards  in horse training that has been proven over 100 years  of use and by nearly 300,000 horse owners.  Jesse Beery  truly understood the mind of the horse and you can  learn a lot just by absorbing some of his wisdom, if  not his training methods.

A very high percentage of today’s successful  trainers cut their teeth on the Jesse Beery course.

If you’re just starting out learning about horseback  riding then read about our Beginners Guide here:

Hundreds of new riders and horse owners have started  with that book and have found it very useful.

And, of course, we have a full set of DVDs by  professional horse trainers that cover a multitude  of lessons about everything from de-spooking their  horse, to teaching sliding stops and spins, and how  to teach your horse reining, etc.

If you’ll take the time to listen closely and learn  from these proven professionals you’ll pick up  a multitude of horse training “gems” or “nuggets”
that you can apply to any horse in lots of situations.

Listening to these professionals is like learning from  the “Jedi Master” in their own specialty.  You can  learn a lot if you pay attention.  Actively study  their techniques and take notes.  You’ll learn a lot.

If you’re looking for a quick, overnight  or microwave fix to your horse problems then  please don’t bother with our products.

There’s plenty of folks that will pitch  immediate results and take your money but  you’ll find yourself going from vendor  to vendor and finally come to the realization  that such a product and method doesn’t exist.

Proper horse training takes knowledge, time  and patience.  There’s no shortcuts.

Watch our professional trainers on our DVDs.
Take notes.  Watch actively and understand why  a trainer approaches the problems and methods  the way that they do.

I promise you – you’ll learn a lot more than what  you originally got the DVD for if you will  watch it more than once.

Pretty soon the weather will be improving  and you’ll be itchin’ to be out with your  horses.  There’s no better time than right  now to start learning what you need to learn  and be ready for those training sessions  as you with your horses.

With just a little effort you can enjoy your  horses a LOT more and ride much more safely.

Isn’t that what you got them for?  Let me  encourage you to get a few steps closer  to that dream and keep that honeymoon alive!


P.S. The coupon code CHARLIEHORSE is still  active for everyone.  Enter it on the checkout  page and you’ll get 10% OFF your order.  Be sure  to click on Apply when you enter the coupon.


 Here’s a nice note from Loretta in response to my  email a couple days ago titled:
      “Do You Know Annie Oakley’s Secret?”


I just wanted you to know that this is one of  my favorite emails, repetition and consistency  and frequent practice! That’s what it is all about.

I do have Sam’s video and I am a Library member  I still am not brave enough to lope a horse, but  I like a calm responsive one and all your tips  help with that.

The “little things” video is also very helpful  with earning respect. I am a 4H horse bowl coach  and the repetition and practice helps the kids too!

Thanks again. Keep up the good work.

Sincerely, Loretta”



Links for your reference:

Help Me Choose (Solutions for horse problems):

Kindle books (and FREE Kindle readers for PC, Mac, phones):

Our DVDs:

Jesse Beery Horse Training Course:

Beginner’s Horseback Riding Book:

Beery Pulley Bridle:

The Horse Library (best value on the planet):

Our horse training bundles for big savings:

Our very popular Horseback Riding Beginner’s Guide


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Don’t Quit! You Are NOT Alone

Don’t Quit!
You Are NOT Alone.

Sad But True…

I was talking to a horse owner a few days ago
and sensed nothing but frustration in her voice.

First – a little background…she has had her
mare for just over a year now and is what I would
call a “greenhorn”.  It’s her first horse and
it ain’t going well.

“Greenhorn” is not a put down – it just describes
where she’s at in this whole new-horse-owner
experience!  I was there years (decades) ago.

Almost all of us were there at one time
(unless you were raised around horses).

How did you get hooked?  Perhaps you saw horses
in a pasture while traveling and started dreaming,
perhaps you went riding somewhere with a friend,
or read a book, or saw a movie…whatever way you
got hooked and then couldn’t stop thinking and
day-dreaming of riding off into the sunset – the
point is – you got hooked and had great hopes.

Anyway, Julie (not her real name) started describing
how frustrated she was that her mare wouldn’t
mind her or do what she wanted.  Yet she saw
how well her horse performed with the previous owner.

What’s up with that?

Now, after a year of messing with this horse,
it seemed she was going backwards and the horse
was getting worse.  In some situations she even
felt scared of the horse and she knows the horse
was sensing her fear and that she was intimidated.

Through her tears and frustration, Julie was
about to give up.

[Unfortunately I’ve heard this story dozens
of times.  Same song – different verse.]

Don’t Quit!

Ideally, what we all need is a good mentor to work
with.  Someone with experience that has both the
ability and patience to work with US and our
horse.  Someone to get us through the basics and
overcome our inexperience and fears.

Someone to coach us through both the basic and
tough situations and help us understand how
a horse thinks and learns.  Then takes us by the
hand until we, too, can do it ourselves.

We need to both learn AND build confidence.

Some of us can find that at a stable, a trusted
friend or even some clinics.  But for many
of us, we don’t have those kinds of connections
or unlimited money to pay someone to show us.

I would urge you to seek out a trusted, experienced
horse person that knows their stuff if you’re in
this situation.  The one-on-one help you could
get would be invaluable.

But not everyone has that opportunity due
to time, money, location and/or family situations.

So what do you do?  How can you overcome your
inexperience and start to enjoy your horses?

Professional Help:

Whether you have local help or not, you can
learn a lot from a professional trainer.  That’s
EXACTLY why we have over two dozen DVD titles
we offer to those who need to learn.

I would strongly suggest you look at our professional
trainers like Diana Quintana, Sam Burrell, Brad Meyers,
Linda Braddy and others.  Their complete understanding
of horses and how they learn is second to none.

Go here to look at the DVDs:

If you’re not sure what you need, look here:

Also – note that we are running a special test
right now for visitors coming from Facebook.
But there’s no reason you can’t join in!

Use the coupon code FB20 and take 20% off your
ENTIRE order.  That will only be good for a couple
more days.

If you’re at that point of frustration or
disillusionment, don’t dispair!  There is help
and you CAN get help and get back in the
saddle safely.  You just need a little help
and understanding.

Hand in there – we’re here to help.

That’s it for today – please stay safe out there.


P.S.  We are running a test on our website right
now for Facebook visitors.  But please feel free
to take advantage of it as a loyal reader of these
horse tips:

Use the coupon code  FB20  on the checkout form
and everything in your shopping cart will be
discounted by 20%.  This ends in a couple days.

Here’s a link to the DVD page:


Discover the most successful
horse training course ever created.

“Prof. Jesse Beery’s Illustrated Course in Horse Training”

8 Volumes of pure, effective horse training wisdom used by
thousands around the world.
Printed in one, easy-to-use, spiral-bound course manual.


Here’s a nice note from Jackie:


“Dear Charlie,

The “7 Never-Do’s With Your Horse” e-mail you sent
is simply fabulous, the keys to successful training!

If horses knew about you they would be sending so many
blessings your way that the “prayer lines” would go
down because of too much traffic.

For the horses, and me, I want to thank you one more
time for sending me all these wonderful e-mails.
I have trouble picking stuff up from video and it
is so wonderful that you pull out the keys that
can help me and write (type) it down so I can read it.

You should write a book pulling all of this wonderful
information together.  You are probably the only
person in the history of the world that has gotten
so many experienced trainers talking about their craft,
you are probably better qualified than most horsepeople
to write THE book on the basics of training horses.

Thank you again,
Jackie C.”



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The State of Our Horses Address (and a free book)

“The State Of Our Horses Address”
(and a free book for you)

A couple weeks ago our president delivered
his State of the Union Address…

So here I am with my:

“The State Of Our Horses Address”
<applause> Thankyou.
Thankyou. <applause> Thankyou.

Please be seated. Thankyou….

Men, Women, Trainers, Riders
and other equine dignitaries…

I come before you today to discuss the
state of our horses, their care,
their health and well being.

We have accomplished much this past
year as we have learned and applied
our knowledge and have taught and
trained our horses for a better cause.

We have overcome adversity and bad
behavior. We have thrown out the
old problems of the past and now
ride safer. We have built stronger
bonds with our horses and have
developed lasting relationships
with these majestic animals that now
result in mutual respect.

We have kept all of our promises to
ourselves and to our horses and seek
not fame but simply more humility.

While the pundits would say we have
much yet to do or we haven’t moved
fast enough to correct the problems,
we have come far.

Let no one take away the accomplishments
we have achieved.




Sorry…but I just can’t carry on.

I think I’d rather muck the stalls.
It’s not near as deep there.

<applause> Thankyou. Thankyou.


How about a horse tip:

“Horses And Bein’ Caught With Yer Pants Down”

There’s an old saying that goes:

“Being caught with your pants down.”

Listen to this.

In January 2004, 3 men in Spokane
Washington decided to streak through
a Denny’s restaurant at dawn.

They wore only hats and shoes.

They got out of their car and left it running.

And that…was their mistake.

In the middle of their streaking escapade,
someone stole their car.

Unfortunately for them, their clothes
were in the car too.

The 3 naked guys had to hide behind
parked cars until the police came to
put them in jail.

That’s the epitome of being caught
with your pants down.

One of the worst places to be caught
with your pants down is with horses.

As you know, horses can be full of
surprises and you want to eliminate all
the surprises you can.

That’s why we do things with them
such as desensitize, lunge, lead,
drive, and others.

One way to eliminate some surprises
and help your horse understand what
you want is to drive him.

When I say drive him, I mean you’re
standing behind him on the ground and
asking him to move while you steer, stop,
and back him.

It has lots of benefits.

It teaches your horse what it means
when you pull on a line to get him
going left or right.

It gets him used to having something
and someone behind him.

It gets him learning to listen to you
while you’re behind him.

It’s a great way to reinforce “whoa” and “Back up”.

There’s a lot of good you can do with it.

Plus, it’s pretty safe for you to do
because you’re on the ground.

So the question is, how do you do it?

I’m glad I asked. 🙂

Here’s a few notes from Sue Robertson’s Groundwork
DVD to give you the gist.

Before you drive your horse, he should
know how to tie, lead, lunge, change directions,
back up from the ground, saddle, and lunge with a saddle.

First, use a snaffle.

People disagree on the bit to use but
the snaffle is easiest on the horse’s mouth.
(See our Beery 4-Way Snaffle Bits for this:

But even if you have hard hands you
can still hurt the horse so be aware of that.

Get two 22 foot cotton lines.
This is essentially cotton rope that
is 5/8″ thick.

Next, put the saddle on the horse and hobble the
stirrups. (This is assuming your horse is
already used to a saddle)

Hobbling the stirrups means tying them
together underneath the horse so they don’t
flop around. They can be a little loose but
you don’t want ’em flopping around.

Next, always start on the “off” side.

The off side is the right side.

Run the line through the stirrup and hook
it to the snaffle. Run the other line.

Talk to your horse at all times – especially
at first because this is new to him and he’ll
likely need reassurance.

Plus, you’re his protector and he’ll need
to learn to trust you.

Now your horse may get antsy and anxious.
This is normal for a horse that’s not been driven.

It’s even more normal for a young horse.

Also when driving, the horse may look back
and that’s okay.

Once they’re accepted the rope and they see
it won’t hurt them you can start to drive them
like you’re lungeing them.

It’s best to drive in a round pen if you
can because if you drive in a large open area you
may be constantly fighting your horse for control.

So doing it in the round pen you can stand
in the middle. It’s keeps you away from his
feet, keeps you safest, and lets you do the job.

Then ask them to move.

My favorite command is “Step”.

Just one word.


You don’t have to yell it. You may have
to increase your volume a bit to increase the
urgency to your horse though.

As you ask him to step forward, make sure you
give him an opening. In other words, don’t
stand in front of him and close him off.

Always have an open door.

You may have to kiss to him to move if and
when he doesn’t understand to step.

Do figure 8’s, small circles, and large circles.


Because you want them to keep thinking.

Otherwise, you’ll bore them – just like
what I talked about in past emails.

A bored horse is a poor student.

Also work on teaching them whoa.

You also want to teach them to stand
and back up with it.

If you’ve never done this with your horse, you should.

It’s fun and it gives that extra feeling
of knowledge and confidence you should have.

Plus, you may find some holes in your
horse’s training and you can fix them.

If you want to see this done, you can
see it on Sue’s DVD. To see more, click the
A couple more things.

If your horse doesn’t want to pay attention
to you, then make him do “S’s”.

He’ll learn to put his head down and pay
attention to you.

If he wants to go left, you make him go right.

Never, ever let your horse decide what to do.


Because when you’re in the saddle and he
decides what to do…you’re in for a wreck.

He should “ALWAYS” look to you for instructions.

Never, ever, ever let him decide what to do.

There’s more to the driving thing,
but this gives you a great start.
I suggest you get Sue’s DVD to learn a
lot more about this and a whole lot more.

I hope you try it because it’s good for
the horse and you.


Ok… that’s it for today.

Take a kid riding…teach them early.
They’ll remember it for a lifetime.

But PLEASE – Stay safe out there.


P.S. The Horse Library is the best bargain on the
Internet for online horse training videos, books,
articles, movies, and more. Have you checked
it out yet? You’re missing out if not:


Did you get your free copy of Black Beauty yet?
Read below….


“thank you charlie! for black beauty, i had read the book
as a child, but had forgotten how much i loved it! how i
had identified with the horses in the story, how much i
wanted to just jump into the book & right all the wrongs
that were done to them! rereading black beauty has in a
way put me back in touch with my horse feelings,
feelings that sort’a got swept aside in the every day
hustle&bustle of this fast paced life we live, though
i’m way past youth, it brought a little back!
thanks!!! ……skeet”


Here’s the download link for your free copy:


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