Don’t Quit! You Are NOT Alone

Don’t Quit!
You Are NOT Alone.

Sad But True…

I was talking to a horse owner a few days ago
and sensed nothing but frustration in her voice.

First – a little background…she has had her
mare for just over a year now and is what I would
call a “greenhorn”.  It’s her first horse and
it ain’t going well.

“Greenhorn” is not a put down – it just describes
where she’s at in this whole new-horse-owner
experience!  I was there years (decades) ago.

Almost all of us were there at one time
(unless you were raised around horses).

How did you get hooked?  Perhaps you saw horses
in a pasture while traveling and started dreaming,
perhaps you went riding somewhere with a friend,
or read a book, or saw a movie…whatever way you
got hooked and then couldn’t stop thinking and
day-dreaming of riding off into the sunset – the
point is – you got hooked and had great hopes.

Anyway, Julie (not her real name) started describing
how frustrated she was that her mare wouldn’t
mind her or do what she wanted.  Yet she saw
how well her horse performed with the previous owner.

What’s up with that?

Now, after a year of messing with this horse,
it seemed she was going backwards and the horse
was getting worse.  In some situations she even
felt scared of the horse and she knows the horse
was sensing her fear and that she was intimidated.

Through her tears and frustration, Julie was
about to give up.

[Unfortunately I’ve heard this story dozens
of times.  Same song – different verse.]

Don’t Quit!

Ideally, what we all need is a good mentor to work
with.  Someone with experience that has both the
ability and patience to work with US and our
horse.  Someone to get us through the basics and
overcome our inexperience and fears.

Someone to coach us through both the basic and
tough situations and help us understand how
a horse thinks and learns.  Then takes us by the
hand until we, too, can do it ourselves.

We need to both learn AND build confidence.

Some of us can find that at a stable, a trusted
friend or even some clinics.  But for many
of us, we don’t have those kinds of connections
or unlimited money to pay someone to show us.

I would urge you to seek out a trusted, experienced
horse person that knows their stuff if you’re in
this situation.  The one-on-one help you could
get would be invaluable.

But not everyone has that opportunity due
to time, money, location and/or family situations.

So what do you do?  How can you overcome your
inexperience and start to enjoy your horses?

Professional Help:

Whether you have local help or not, you can
learn a lot from a professional trainer.  That’s
EXACTLY why we have over two dozen DVD titles
we offer to those who need to learn.

I would strongly suggest you look at our professional
trainers like Diana Quintana, Sam Burrell, Brad Meyers,
Linda Braddy and others.  Their complete understanding
of horses and how they learn is second to none.

Go here to look at the DVDs:

If you’re not sure what you need, look here:

Also – note that we are running a special test
right now for visitors coming from Facebook.
But there’s no reason you can’t join in!

Use the coupon code FB20 and take 20% off your
ENTIRE order.  That will only be good for a couple
more days.

If you’re at that point of frustration or
disillusionment, don’t dispair!  There is help
and you CAN get help and get back in the
saddle safely.  You just need a little help
and understanding.

Hand in there – we’re here to help.

That’s it for today – please stay safe out there.


P.S.  We are running a test on our website right
now for Facebook visitors.  But please feel free
to take advantage of it as a loyal reader of these
horse tips:

Use the coupon code  FB20  on the checkout form
and everything in your shopping cart will be
discounted by 20%.  This ends in a couple days.

Here’s a link to the DVD page:


Discover the most successful
horse training course ever created.

“Prof. Jesse Beery’s Illustrated Course in Horse Training”

8 Volumes of pure, effective horse training wisdom used by
thousands around the world.
Printed in one, easy-to-use, spiral-bound course manual.


Here’s a nice note from Jackie:


“Dear Charlie,

The “7 Never-Do’s With Your Horse” e-mail you sent
is simply fabulous, the keys to successful training!

If horses knew about you they would be sending so many
blessings your way that the “prayer lines” would go
down because of too much traffic.

For the horses, and me, I want to thank you one more
time for sending me all these wonderful e-mails.
I have trouble picking stuff up from video and it
is so wonderful that you pull out the keys that
can help me and write (type) it down so I can read it.

You should write a book pulling all of this wonderful
information together.  You are probably the only
person in the history of the world that has gotten
so many experienced trainers talking about their craft,
you are probably better qualified than most horsepeople
to write THE book on the basics of training horses.

Thank you again,
Jackie C.”



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