Horse Got You Down? Try This…

“Horse Got You Down?  Try This…”

I talk, read and write about horse training every day.

I have been sending out free horse training tips to
thousands 3 – 5 times per week since 2006!

Few people in this business have made that
kind of commitment to their customers and
potential customers.  With that foundation built,
I hope I can bring some common sense to you
about horse training issues.

One of the most important parts about horse training,
and probably one the most important horse training
tips I could convey to you, is the importance of
understanding how a horse thinks and learns.

Too many folks, who are new to horses or who haven’t
studied horses much, attempt to apply human emotion
and understanding to their horse training and it
just doesn’t work that way with horses.

Horse can’t reason. They react to stimuli around them.
They aren’t capable of processing multiple inputs and
reasoning a response to them. They are prey animals
and will escape danger if at all possible.

So, if you’re having difficulty trying to figure
out why your horse is having problems understanding
what you want, then you could do no better than to
start studying about how horses learn first.

One of the most famous horse trainers in history
was Prof. Jesse Beery. He wrote Prof Jesse Beery’s
Illustrated Course In Horse Training back in the
early 1900’s. He was a master at getting problem
horses to do exactly what he wanted and did so in
shows and fairs all over the country.

I have to laugh at those who look at his course
today and make comments like:

“that was over 100 years ago – it can’t be any
good today”.

Well folks, such thinking is very limiting to
your understanding about horses and how they learn.

  • It was Jesse Beery who figured out how to handle
    different horses of different dispositions.
  • It was he who formulated training methods that made him
    famous and are still used by tens of thousands of
    horse owners and trainers today.
  • Most successful professional horse trainers today use methods
    developed by Jesse Beery – whether they acknowledge
    it or not.

If you have not read any of the works that
Prof Jesse Beery has written, then I suggest
you pick up a copy now.

Here’s one of my horse training tips that you
can take to the bank: if you read the Jesse Beery
Course, and strive to understand what he is teaching
you about how horses learn, and then study each of
his methods with an open mind, you’ll improve your
horse training and understanding 10 times.

Jesse Beery also talks about teaching horses to drive
(wagons, etc.) which may not apply to what you do
with horses today. But don’t scoff at that – there’s
tons of things to learn in that alone whether you
ever drive a horse or not.

Horse Training Resources is the undisputed leader
in offering all the Prof Jesse Beery products.

We offer:

1. The full Jesse Beery Course as a spiral-bound
printed book or as PDF downloads.

2. The Jesse Beery Course in MP3 Audiobook format
(on CD or as downloads).

3. The Jesse Beery 4-Way Bit for riding and training

4. The Beery Pulley Bridle – which helps you cure
problems in hours, not days or weeks.

5. We also have many of these products put together
as a Jesse Beery Bundle to save you lots of  $$

You may see others selling the Jesse Beery course.
But they’re in it for a quick buck.  They don’t offer
free tips.  They don’t have a full line of Beery
products, they are typically flash-in-the-pan sellers
who have nothing invested in this business.

I hope you appreciate what we bring to the table
for you and see why we are the undisputed
Jesse Beery experts with the most experience
and depth of product line in the world.

Did you know we own the website ?
Many don’t.  It’s just a part of who we are.

So – if you want to get a thorough horse training
education and be able to handle just about any horse
training problem, perhaps you should do like tens of
thousands of others have done – start with the
Jesse Beery course.

To sweeten things a little bit – use the
Coupon Code BEERY15 and take 15% OFF
any Jesse Beery product.

Fair enough?


Another nice note from a reader:


“You have integrity, Charlie!  That kind of honesty is
critical….for the horse and the human to be safe and happy.
Thank you for being that kind of person.  My best teachers
are ones who gave me such tough love, and I’ve never
forgotten the valuable lessons they taught me.

Anyway, thank you.

I just got my federal tax return back, so I’m hoping
to finally purchase a DVD or two very soon!!  Thanks
always for your tips – I keep them and re-read them
and always find each one helpful, even if I know
what you might say, it is important to be reminded;
but more often than not I learn something new and
my horse (and other horses I work and play with)
appreciate that I am open to the wisdom of others.

Thanks for being a good friend to the Horse.

May the Horse be with You,
~Stephany,   Western Montana”


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Freedom Isn’t Free – Memorial Day

In Today’s Special Memorial Day Message:

“Freedom Isn’t Free”

Today Is Memorial Day in the USA.

Folks – there’s nothing more important than lifting
up our service men and women who put it all on the line
to secure our safety.

It doesn’t matter whether you think we
should have been in any of the wars or skirmishes
where our brave men and women served.  They were
called or volunteered to serve.  They went
and answered the call on our behalf.

Memorial day isn’t a time for us to voice our
approval or lack of approval about where they
served.  It is for US to remember THEM and lift
them up as heroes.  For those who paid the

For any of you who have lost family members in service
to this country, and to all of you who have served or
are currently serving in our armed forces – THANK YOU.

We need to acknowledge the sacrifices that have been
made by all those state-side and deployed all around
the world.  Pray for them.  Pray for their families.

Hundreds of thousands of lives have been exchanged for
our freedoms.  Thousands and thousands more have
been wounded.  Please take time to reflect on that
as you enjoy all the comforts of your life here and
have the freedom to vote, to worship, to speak out,
to travel and to work.

A Personal Note:

As an Air Force brat I was around our service men
and women all the time.  My father was a dairy
farmer turned fighter and bomber pilot who served in
WWII, Korea, South Pacific, etc.  He finished his
career working on setting up the special requirements
for the  famous SR71 Black Bird reconnaissance plane.

Our place in the country today is in the flight
path of Offutt AFB near Omaha, NE.  Every time
a plane flies over our place I pray for the fine
men and women who are on that mission.  And for
our other service folks supporting and protecting

Our church is at least 1/2 military or ex-military
families.  I, along with the rest of my family,
have nothing but a deep respect for all of them.

Freedom Isn’t Free:

Our freedom has been paid for over and over again with the blood
of our brave men and women.  Don’t take it for granted lest
we loose it completely.

Thank ’em when you see ’em.  Encourage them.  Lift
them up and show them the respect they so deserve.

Pray for them.  Give them support.  Suport the
families of our service men and women, especially
those who have loved ones deployed.

Finally – pray for this country.  We are in a most
dangerous time in the country and we are being
attacked is many different ways.  It seems everywhere
I look things seem like they’re upside down.  We
call evil truth and truth evil.  Moral standards
and common sense seem to evade many.  What was
once thought as disgusting is paraded in the streets.

It will take heroic efforts by God-fearing people
to restore this country.  Don’t sit on the
sidelines and hope someone else will do what is
necessary to preserve us.  That’s EXACTLY what our
many enemies, both outside and within this
great country, want us to do.  Do nothing while
everything spirals downward.

We have one of the most important elections
coming up this November.  Please exercise your
right as a free citizen to and vote your
conscience for what is right for this country.

Lord bless you all.

— Charlie

P.S. I realize this isn’t typical to hear
from someone who sends out horse tips.  But
I can’t let a day such as this go without
thanking our military families for the price
their loved one have paid defending our freedoms.

P.P.S. As you consider the horse training and
riding help you need, please look over our
books, DVDs, courses, training bridles and more.

And to sweeten the deal for this weekend…

Please use the Coupon Code:  25OFF and take
25% OFF ANY ORDER to celebrate Memorial Day!

Simply put anything you want into the shopping
cart, enter 25OFF in the coupon box on the
checkout page and we’ll deduct 25% of the
product total as your savings!

See the links below for popular items:


Our DVDs:

Jesse Beery Horse Training Course:

Beginner’s Horseback Riding Book:

Beery Pulley Bridle:

The Horse Library (best value anywhere):

Our horse training bundles for big savings:

Our very popular Horseback Riding Beginner’s Guide


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WOW! Lots of Feedback From Last Two Posts!

Thanks for all the letters regarding my last two posts!  Lots of support and lots of horse owners who think alike!

If you haven’t had the chance to read the lat two posts then you can click on the links below:

“It’s Time To Take Control And LEAD!”

“What’s Holding You Back?”

Here’s just a small sample of the emails I received regarding those two posts:

“As a person new to owning horses three years ago, and who carried alot of bruises and a couple bite marks, your newsletter and ur honesty were a life saver. I finally realized I couldn’t handle the two (free!) green horses I’d inherited, I scrounged up money and got myself trained (my trainer wouldn’t even look at my horses until I improved my riding and ground skills) and then my horses. I’ve been riding one for 9 months now, and the other one is coming home next week. Of course even with training I work hard to keep my horses moving forward, and I don’t give an inch in crowding, or misbehaving – no matter how tired or busy I am because I know they’ll take it and more. And even though we are trained, I’m gonna order some DVDs cuz I’ll never be done learning!  For all those that unsubscribed cuz the truth hurts, you maybe will save a couple human and horse lives. Keep up the great work!

God bless,
“Hi Charlie,
I want to commend you on your message today and say that I appreciate your approach to horses and the resources that you market.
I have been breeding, raising and training horses most of my life and your message is bang on. I have been training horses for others semi-professionally and I share your frustration with people who just don’t get it. In the early years people would ask me if I could recommend a good training book or resource and I would always have to say this one is good “but”. Then I began to realize that people need to do what I have done and read them all and see as much as you can with how others do it. When I found your site a few years ago and began getting your daily tips I quickly shared it with others because you cover a broad range of resources, all with the same message. I bought some of your CDs and share them as well.

I will usually get involved with other people and their horse when I get the panic phone call saying they must do something now because the horse almost killed someone. Without exception the reason for the crisis is because the owner just took for granted that the horse could train itself or any saddle will do. They often want me to take their horse and “fix it”. I always refuse to do that and insist that if they want their horse fixed they must first fix themselves, participate and learn. They need to learn how to handle a horse, understand them and realize that they cause the response they get. This includes environment, tack, care and feeding and communication. I often see a significant improvement in the horses response in just a few hours when they are handled properly. When the owner sees this they are often amazed.

Keep up the good work and I will continue to support your business with the odd purchase and referrals to others.

Peter Kitto,
Williams Lake, BC

I just have to send this message to all people, you sometime learn the hard way.  Many years ago I loved horses and rode my Dad’s horse and they were trained so I thought I was great.  Then I got my own horse much later and older and she ran off with me and I was able to go off did not get hurt that time.  This horse was just too much for me but I kept on trying only wished I had help like Charlie provides at that time.  Having my hand crushed I decided I would seek help, so I started working with trainers and reading a lot so I am much better now around horses and understand them much better.  They have no start button or stop so learn before you get really hurt.  I am now 72 young but I know horses and us have changed over the years so I go on learning.   Horse are very special but they have that 10% wild and protect themselves first not you.

I still work around horses but I am very careful to watch them and their reaction to things.  Learn all you can for safety and the protection of the horse.  I was once told by a trainer it was not the horse having problems it was the rider.  He was so right now that I have learned so much more I have better confidents but still being careful.  Everyone is very lucky to have someone like Charlie trying to help us all.  A lady that I was helping her daughter said thank you and thank you for God sending you to us.

I was very taken by that statement so I say thank you Charlie for God sending you into my life.

stick to your guns and don’t worry about those who refuse to hear the truth.  It took me many years (too many) as a novice horse owner to figure out why most every horse I adopted responded better to more seasoned horse people than me.  Finally I raised a Percheron foal for a year and if it wasn’t for your tips to work on respect first,  I would have failed him miserably.  Now I take the leadership role as my most important one. And since I am a confident and fair leader, I am finally one of the people who can handle most horses and stop bad behaviors before they become their habit.
The horses eventually love me for being the leader that they need (not trying to be their friend).  Now I teach everyone I know this necessary principle and I suggest your website to any horse people that will listen (I often forward your tips to get them started). I hope to be moving to my home state where I will be working with my daughter’s rescued horses and will need to prepare myself better with some of your instructional dvds, books… In the meantime, your tips keep me tip top with my current herd, as well as the other 4 legged and even 2 legged creatures in my life… respect applies across the board.

Keep up the good work, God has clearly gifted you with horses and with openly sharing and celebrating your relationship with Jesus.

Thank you.
God Bless you and your family!
Debby J.”

I have to tell you, anyone that disagrees with the “Control and Lead” email, should sell their horse, take the money they get and go ride the horse at Walmart. I’ve seen way to many people that, love their horse, that’s not so bad, but they expect their horse to love them back and then they can’t understand why their horse treats them so badly.  DUH.  Hope your day is going great!

“Hi Charlie
Just want to THANK you for telling the truth as it is Yesterday and for todays tip as well.  I hope those who were offended get a reality check and quick! Before something happens again and a good horse is wasted and somebody gets hurt.

Hi Charlie,

Not to worry, I will be one that sticks with you because your statements are spot on as far as  I am concerned , and do not worry I will bet that some who unsubscribed will return soon .As a trainer myself it is refreshing to find someone with your honesty. Although you do have those who do not want to face the fact that  more times than not it is the rider/owner with the problem and not always the horse. People need to realize that bad behavior is simply something that someone has allowed the horse to get away with time and time again until a bad habit has taken hold but can be corrected with patience,time, and yes a little hard work and sweat.  I will also be ordering the Jesse Berry Course in the next few days, I use methods from the book that I had years ago  and gave to a friend who needed help , and yes they do work if people would take the time not only to study and apply but also ask someone if there is something they do not understand. So keep the faith my friend !!!

Thanks for your time and honesty,

Well – you get the idea.  I have many, many more excellent letters that were sent in.
Thanks for reading and for the feedback!
P.S. See my “Memorial Day Special” and get 25% OFF anything on the website, including our online The Horse Library subscriptions!
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