Horse Got You Down? Try This…

“Horse Got You Down?  Try This…”

I talk, read and write about horse training every day.

I have been sending out free horse training tips to
thousands 3 – 5 times per week since 2006!

Few people in this business have made that
kind of commitment to their customers and
potential customers.  With that foundation built,
I hope I can bring some common sense to you
about horse training issues.

One of the most important parts about horse training,
and probably one the most important horse training
tips I could convey to you, is the importance of
understanding how a horse thinks and learns.

Too many folks, who are new to horses or who haven’t
studied horses much, attempt to apply human emotion
and understanding to their horse training and it
just doesn’t work that way with horses.

Horse can’t reason. They react to stimuli around them.
They aren’t capable of processing multiple inputs and
reasoning a response to them. They are prey animals
and will escape danger if at all possible.

So, if you’re having difficulty trying to figure
out why your horse is having problems understanding
what you want, then you could do no better than to
start studying about how horses learn first.

One of the most famous horse trainers in history
was Prof. Jesse Beery. He wrote Prof Jesse Beery’s
Illustrated Course In Horse Training back in the
early 1900’s. He was a master at getting problem
horses to do exactly what he wanted and did so in
shows and fairs all over the country.

I have to laugh at those who look at his course
today and make comments like:

“that was over 100 years ago – it can’t be any
good today”.

Well folks, such thinking is very limiting to
your understanding about horses and how they learn.

  • It was Jesse Beery who figured out how to handle
    different horses of different dispositions.
  • It was he who formulated training methods that made him
    famous and are still used by tens of thousands of
    horse owners and trainers today.
  • Most successful professional horse trainers today use methods
    developed by Jesse Beery – whether they acknowledge
    it or not.

If you have not read any of the works that
Prof Jesse Beery has written, then I suggest
you pick up a copy now.

Here’s one of my horse training tips that you
can take to the bank: if you read the Jesse Beery
Course, and strive to understand what he is teaching
you about how horses learn, and then study each of
his methods with an open mind, you’ll improve your
horse training and understanding 10 times.

Jesse Beery also talks about teaching horses to drive
(wagons, etc.) which may not apply to what you do
with horses today. But don’t scoff at that – there’s
tons of things to learn in that alone whether you
ever drive a horse or not.

Horse Training Resources is the undisputed leader
in offering all the Prof Jesse Beery products.

We offer:

1. The full Jesse Beery Course as a spiral-bound
printed book or as PDF downloads.

2. The Jesse Beery Course in MP3 Audiobook format
(on CD or as downloads).

3. The Jesse Beery 4-Way Bit for riding and training

4. The Beery Pulley Bridle – which helps you cure
problems in hours, not days or weeks.

5. We also have many of these products put together
as a Jesse Beery Bundle to save you lots of  $$

You may see others selling the Jesse Beery course.
But they’re in it for a quick buck.  They don’t offer
free tips.  They don’t have a full line of Beery
products, they are typically flash-in-the-pan sellers
who have nothing invested in this business.

I hope you appreciate what we bring to the table
for you and see why we are the undisputed
Jesse Beery experts with the most experience
and depth of product line in the world.

Did you know we own the website ?
Many don’t.  It’s just a part of who we are.

So – if you want to get a thorough horse training
education and be able to handle just about any horse
training problem, perhaps you should do like tens of
thousands of others have done – start with the
Jesse Beery course.

To sweeten things a little bit – use the
Coupon Code BEERY15 and take 15% OFF
any Jesse Beery product.

Fair enough?


Another nice note from a reader:


“You have integrity, Charlie!  That kind of honesty is
critical….for the horse and the human to be safe and happy.
Thank you for being that kind of person.  My best teachers
are ones who gave me such tough love, and I’ve never
forgotten the valuable lessons they taught me.

Anyway, thank you.

I just got my federal tax return back, so I’m hoping
to finally purchase a DVD or two very soon!!  Thanks
always for your tips – I keep them and re-read them
and always find each one helpful, even if I know
what you might say, it is important to be reminded;
but more often than not I learn something new and
my horse (and other horses I work and play with)
appreciate that I am open to the wisdom of others.

Thanks for being a good friend to the Horse.

May the Horse be with You,
~Stephany,   Western Montana”


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