Horse Training Secret #3: Can You Feel The Pressure?

1. “Training Secret #3: Can You Feel The Pressure?”

2. LAST DAY for the Special on OLD Horse Movies online

Do you like old horse movies, western movies and TV shows?
Get access to over 45 movies and shows online PLUS
you’ll get 3 Bonus downloads immediately.


1. “Training Secret #3 – Can You Feel The Pressure?”

Today, I reveal Secret #3 of the series to being
a successful horse trainer.

It doesn’t matter if you want to do it
professionally or just wanna know what to do.

Secret #3 is this:

“Horses are ‘into pressure’ animals.”

That’s it.

But here’s what it means for us.

When your horse feels pressure he’ll have
a built-in tendency to push back.

If you’ve ever pushed on a horse and he
wouldn’t budge or he pushed back…this is why.

Just like it is natural for your horse
to eat, it is natural for him to push against

Thus, he has to be taught to “yield” to
pressure.  Just this subtle yet powerful piece of
information often stops the frustrations of horse

Often, this is blown by an impatient horse
owner because this takes time to do and the horse
owner doesn’t understand that.

Let’s say you want to teach your horse
to yield to your leg pressure.

Do you get on the saddle and start with
your leg?

You can if you like a workout, can hold
your leg in a position for a l-o-n-g time and have
the patience of Job.

Instead, do it from the ground.  Every
thing taught from the ground transfers to the
saddle.  It may have to be refined…but it still

Thus, if you start by teaching your horse
to move his forequarters to the right, start by
putting a little pressure on his left side.  Apply
pressure in the area just behind his left elbow.

If you’re still unsure, go ahead and put
the saddle on and get on him.  Put your left foot
forward a little.

Notice where you’re touching the horse when
you apply pressure.

That’s where you’ll apply the pressure from
the ground when teaching him.  You need to apply the
pressure in the same area from the ground as you will
from the saddle.

Otherwise, Mr. Horse won’t “get it.”

Same goes for applying pressure to move
his hindquarters, and so on.

Never, never, ever (did I say “never”?)
start teaching to move from pressure by applying
heavy pressure.

Always start with light pressure.  You
ultimately want your horse to move from light

If you teach him to move from heavy pressure,
you will wear yourself out!!!!!

Teach him to move from light pressure.  Any
time you apply a few ounces of pressure from a leg
aid or a rein pull…you want Mr. Horse to react.

This takes time and patience to teach but
is crucial in horse training.

Also, when you apply pressure, try to make
the applicator of pressure as similar to the aid as

In other words, when you apply pressure with
your foot just behind his elbow, do your best to
replicate the aid.

And that means you’ll likely be using your
hand to replicate what your foot will feel like.  So
when using your hand to teach moving from pressure,
try to make it feel like what your foot will feel like
when the horse feels it.

Does that make sense?

It helps to see it being done by a professional
showing you how so you understand the process.

One of the best examples I can think of
in showing this is from Sam Burrell.

Sam is one of our featured trainers.  He goes over
this in a LOT of detail and how to do it.

Watch Sam do it – it’ll create a dramatic change
in how you work with your horse and you will be
amazed at what YOU can do!


2. LAST DAY for special on OLD Horse Movies online

Do you like old horse movies, western movies and TV shows?
Get access to over 45 movies and shows online PLUS
you’ll get 3 Bonus downloads immediately.

This is one of those crazy sales that don’t happen very
often.  I’ve hardly talked about this at all….

We have rights to over 45 horse-related movies, Westerns,
TV shows, etc. and put them up on a special website.

It’s dead-simple to use and you get access to everything
on day one.

Wholesome, fun entertainment.

Good, wholesome entertainment by real people, on real
horses and without computers.  Really fun to watch!

Whether it is Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Bonanza, The Rifleman,
Mr. Ed or others, we have it all.  Over 45 shows!

I love watching these old movies and shows.  But I find
they are very addictive.  I’ve had the tough job of
watching most of the shows as my web genius added
them to the website :>)

It’s really too bad they don’t make these kind of
shows any more.  If they did it would probably have
to have all kinds of computer generated stuff to
sell to the newer crowd.


I don’t know about you, but I grew up watching ALL
of these shows and they bring back a lot of memories –
GOOD memories – when life was simpler, when it seems
there was a much greater sense of right vs. wrong,
good values and strong morals.

That’s why I was so drawn to put up a website like
this and that’s why we’ve priced it so low.  I want
EVERYONE to be able to get in to see these.

Simple, easy to use.

We sought out the licensing issues then started
designing the site to be really simple and easy
to use.  Then the issue of pricing came up.

I said it had to be very inexpensive.  Which meant
LOTS of folks would need to join to make it work.
It’s a significant business risk to make an investment
like this (in this economy) and then PRAY folks
want to join. But it’s not my economy – it’s God’s.

We launched this site about a year ago and folks
have been enjoying it.

So – I thought we’d take a couple days to open it
up at a significant discount for a couple days
and give a chance to more folks to take advantage of it.

One payment.

1. One year subscription:  Normally $19.95 – today: $9.95

2. Two Year Subscription: Normally $34.95 – today: $17.00

PLUS – if you act NOW – you also get THREE bonus
book downloads.

But ya gotta do it NOW to get those prices and the bonus books.

Here’s the link:

Other folks I asked thought I should charge at least
$10.00/month.  I didn’t want to do that.  I knew that
many, many more would be able to enjoy these classic
Westerns and TV shows if I only charged a single, flat fee.

So, there it is.  One very low payment PLUS 3 free
downloads you can use right now.

You will never be billed again.  It is a one-time payment.

Now’s the time to do it.  If you like the old movies
and shows it’s sort of a no-brainer.  And, you get three
valuable bonus downloads to boot!

That’s it for today.  Stay safe out there….


P.S. You can still use the coupon code CHARLIEHORSE
and get 10% OFF any order.  Enter the coupons code
in the box on the checkout form and be sure to
click APPLY.

Sue sent a nice note a while ago:


“Hi Charlie,

I have been to lots of clinics, read lots of books, watched lots of
DVD’s and got overload.  You emails are the best form of information
for someone like me who works alot and can’t spend endless hours
training.  You emails are to the point and easy to comprehend, which
makes doing what you say fun.  I have 4 horses and have probably
heard.” Keep the feet moving” a hundred times, but It obviously
didn’t penetrate until this email…….

Thanks for the emails and bless you for all the hard work on
keeping us horse people up to speed.



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