How To Buy A Horse
Buying your first horse? Read this FIRST...
"Do You REALLY Want To Risk Buying Your First Horse
Without A Complete Understanding Of What To Look For
And How To Avoid Expensive Mistakes?"
Read The Facts Below And Discover
How To Save Hundreds
- Even Thousands -
On Your First Horse Purchase!
"How To Find, Select and Buy
Your First Horse"
re: Your First Horse Purchase
If you are considering buying a horse for the first time, or, if you've been burned before and want to be
sure you don't make a mistake again... then read this letter completely, it could save you THOUSANDS of dollars!
Here's Why:
If you are armed with the knowledge and insight in this book we can help you save hundreds or thousands by selecting the the
right horse, a healthy horse, the proper breed, and help you understand what you're getting into.
If you don't have experience with horses or know excatly what to look for then you must get this information now before you
make a huge mistake!
We normally sell this book for $67.00. So why would we offer it at such a low price now? Simple... we know that once you
have your horse you'll need to learn more about riding, or need to train the horse, or want training DVDs, etc. We know that if we can earn your business and you learn to trust us, what we say in our email tips and each
product we sell then you'll look to us for more help in the future. It comes down to earning your business and trust. The
old-fashioned way.
Be careful out there...
It's real sad... you should see the letters and emails I get from folks who bought a horse and have all kinds
of problems with them. I've seen whole laundry lists of problems expressed from health/vet problems, buying a horse too big, buying a
horse not suited for the type of riding they want, buying a supposed "trained" horse, lameness, etc.
Or, once they get the horse home or to the stable, they find out that they need to take a second mortgage just to
keep and care for it! It's not a pretty sight.
Truth is... the heartbreak and problems can almost always be prevented... if they would have just discovered a few key things
before they bought the horse that was to become an answer to their life-long dream!
Buying a horse with various health problems could cost you thousands of dollars before you even get a chance to
ride it. Don't make that kind of mistake!
Selecting And Buying Your First Horse Is A Huge Decision... Do
So With Knowledge And Confidence Or You Could Make A Very Expensive Mistake That Could Cost You Thousands of Dollars and Cause A Lot Of Heartache!
Never, never, never buy a horse on pure emotion....
Most Of Us Dream Of Owning A Horse
We are are filled with dreams and desires of owning our own horse. We love to daydream of riding
down the trail or along the beach, our hair blowing in the wind as we bond with our horse and nature. Or we have visions of a beautiful
show horse or jumper and dream of competing at all levels.
It CAN be that way. But the fact is, it takes a lot of planning, understanding, hard work and resources
to get to that point.
How many parents have given into their kid's wishes and bought a pony? The kids "promised" to feed, water
and clean the stall every day! Later they find out how mean or dangerous they can be, how much time and care the pony requires and all the
other expenses that go along with horse ownership!
You may have lots of dreams about buying a horse - and in many cases you should have one - but you need to do
it from a position of knowledge and understanding. Otherwise, there's a very high possibility
you'll be very disappointed.
You see, if you select the wrong horse, it not only could be very disappointing but also dangerous and very
Buying a horse is not like buying a car or a motorcycle. A horse is a living, breathing, eating animal that
has a mind of its own and its own personality. A horse requires a lot of care, training and handling. And it needs to be fed, watered
and watched every day, 365 days a year.
"Horse ownership is a life-long dream for many. What is so sad to see is how so many don't make
the right decision and end up burdened with the wrong horse who might be unsound, have major vet problems, isn't the
right horse for the riding styles they prefer or don't understand all the costs and time required for it's care. " |
So just how do you decide which horse to buy so you don't get burned?
The "NO B.S." Guide to Finding, Selecting
and Buying Your First Horse
Literally millions of horses have been purchased over the years. An experienced horse person who has raised,
trained, and handled dozens and hundreds of horses can quickly size-up and rate a horse for suitability. But what is the untrained person
to do who wants to buy their first horse?
After months of discussing, researching, writing and editing we have put together what we believe is the best
all-inclusive manual on how to find, select and buy your first horse. We have taken the collective wisdom of literally dozens of years of
experience of those who have raised and trained horses for all kinds of uses.
If you are going to buy a horse then you need a plan. Not only do you need to know what type of horse would
be best suited to you but also major considerations of the horse's health, history, papers, diseases, lameness, breathing, etc. You also
need to know where you will keep the horse, what to feed it, how to care for it, vet checks, deworming, shots, farrier, etc. And the list
grows... you'll need misc. equipment, tack (saddle, blanket, bridle, halter, etc.). Insurance? Lessons? Training?
Starting to get the idea? There's lots to consider. As you can start to see, you have lots of questions to ask, lots to learn and many, many things to consider if you're
going to have any chance of finding the right horse!
The all-inclusive horse buying manual:

"How To Find, Select and
Buy Your First Horse"
Making Your Horse Dream Come True!
Nothing Has Been Left Out
As we researched and started writing this horse-buying manual, we not only separated the content into logical
chapters but also included a series of real-life stories of situations many others have had (we changed the names to protect the
embarrassed). We can often learn by observing the mistakes of others... and horse ownership has it's share of victims.
We put the manual together in a format that will help lead you to the right decision. We provide what to
watch out for, things to consider and checklists you can use to make sure you have considered all areas prior to selecting the horse that is
right for you. It's a big decision that has many long-term affects, so you need to make the decision wisely.
Here is a very brief synopsis of the 12 chapters this horse buying manual covers:
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Introduction to horse ownership
- The joy of owning a horse
- Understanding the basic nature of horses
Chapter 2: Answering the Big Questions
- The real thought that goes into buying a horse
- The preparation needed before shopping
- The big questions that need to be tackled
Chapter 3: Why Do I Want a Horse?
- Your experience and background
- How would a horse benefit you?
- When your child wants a horse or pony
- Your medical knowledge of horses
Chapter 4: When Do I have Time for a Horse?
- Making time for your horse
- Family, work, and life can eat into horse ownership time
Chapter 5: What Do I Look for in the Right Horse?
- Suitability and how breeding can influence suitability
- Conformation
- Temperament
- Value to you
- Horse class and breeds
Chapter 6: Who Can Help Me Find A Horse?
- Professional help in your search
- Who can help me?
- Where can I find help?
- Where can I find a horse?
- Who can I trust?
- How to read advertisements
- The veterinarian check
Chapter 7: Where Will I Keep My Horse?
- Boarding options
- Keeping him at home
- Things you need to know about keeping horses
Chapter 8: Can I Afford To Purchase and Keep Him?
- The cost of purchasing a horse
- The costs to keep a horse
- Hidden or unexpected costs
- Emergency costs
Chapter 9: Knowing How to Find the Right Horse
- Have your goals in mind
- Know the horse's abilities and limitations
- Things beyond your control
Chapter 10: Other Things to Know Before Buying a Horse
- Know yourself well
- Adult and junior owner/riders
- When things don't go the way you hoped
- Horse owner responsibilities
Chapter 11: How to View the Sale Horse
- How he looks
- Seeing is believing - get a video
- The horse's environment
- His behavior
- Good sellers and bad
Chapter 12: Conclusion
- You've picked your horse
- The trial period
- Bringing your horse home
- Your second horse?
- You're ready for your first horse when....
Also included is a series of
Addendums and Resources
to help you in many different areas:
Addendum 1:
- Key Questions to Ask Yourself
- Horse Search Worksheet
Addendum 2:
- Tying a Horse
- Equine Vital Signs
Addendum 3: Recognizing Colic
Addendum 4: Equipment You Need For Your First Horse
Addendum 5: The Horse's Gaits
Addendum 6: Equine First Aid Kit
How Much Could It Cost You If You
Ignore These Critical Issues?
As you can see, there's so many things to know and consider before you bring a horse
Making the wrong choice can be a very frustrating and costly mistake.
In this horse-buying manual, we provide you with checklists and
suggestions to "guide" you to the right decision. You'll at least approach the decision with your eyes wide open and from a position of
knowledge. You'll be the equivalent of a PHD - a Professional Horse Decision maker! You'll learn a lot about horses that will help
you the rest of your life.
This All-Inclusive Horse Buying Manual Doesn't Cost...
It Saves!
Even ff you buy the "Right" horse, it will still cost you thousands to keep it each year. Consder the
- We uncover all the costs, the obvious and the hidden, including the purchase, boarding, feeding, vet, feed,
deworming, shots, tack, etc. We lay it all out.
- But what if you selected a horse that wasn't right for you, or even worse, had significant medical issues?
Well, the costs can skyrocket to multiple thousands for vet fees alone.
- What if a slick seller convinced you his horse had certain traits, was trained a certain way, or hid previous
problems in the horse's history... and you didn't know what to look for?
- This horse buying manual could be worth it's weight in gold. It protects you as a buyer to select the right horse... one that is
both right for the type of riding you want to do and is healthy and sound.
- It helps you understand what additional costs you'll be facing in the future. It keeps you from a purchasing mistake that could
cost you thousands of dollars.
You really can't afford to take a risk on buying the wrong horse without the knowledge contained in this book.
Get Your Copy
and Save Hundreds:

100% Rock-Solid Guarantee:
Get your copy of "How To Find, Select and Buy Your First Horse"
right now. Read through it. Take it all in. If it isn't everything I say it is, if it doesn't
teach you all you need to know prior to buying your first horse then I'll gladly refund 100% of your purchase price.
You see - I know personally how good this book is and I want you to trust what I say is true. The only way I can prove that
is to give you the opportunity to return it if what I say about this book isn't true.
All the best with your horse selection!
